The Add Labels feature allows you to modify the display names of Form Containers.


When adding display names for a new language, a new entry (record) must be added for that language with the correct language ID (LANG_ID column) in the LANGUAGEMASTER table in the Canvas schema. For the changes to get applied, users must choose their primary language as the preferred language in the functional application, Modelhouse. A sample entry in the LANGUAGEMASTER table for the Arabic language is shown for reference: 



Adding an entry for the new language in the LANGUAGEMASTER table is mandatory, without which that language will not appear in the functional application (e.g. Preferences tab in Modelhouse).

To manage the display names of form containers, perform the following steps in Canvas Studio.

Let us assume that a form with the Form Id, CT_PAYMENT_FORM, has already been mapped to a Form Container, with the Container Id of PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER.

  1. On the home page of Canvas Studio, click FORM DEFINITION.

    The Form Definition List appears.

  2. Right-click the CT_PAYMENT_FORM with the Container Id of PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER and select the Edit Form Container option.

    The Form Container page appears.

  3. Click Add labels icon on the bottom of the page.

    The Resource Bundle Entries page appears.

    The Bundle Name is taken from the form's default bundle name. You can change the default bundle name by using the Form ribbon in the Form Designer. The Language drop-down list comprises of different languages and you can choose the language of your choice from the list. For new languages, refer the Prerequisites mentioned above in the procedure.

  4. Select a language from the Language drop-down list.

  5. Click the Container title tab and then click the Phrase for field to modify the display name of the container title.

  6. Click the Action Button Labels tab and then click the Phrase for fields to modify the display names of the action buttons.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

  8. Click Submit to save the changes in Form Container.

The Resource Bundle Entries get saved successfully. A confirmation message indicating a successful save appears.

The following screen shot serves as a good illustration of the output in the functional application, Modelhouse.