
  1. For web apps, open the CT_HOME.jsp file in your project, e.g. …\CTModelHouse\src\main\jsp\CT_Home.jsp.


    For hybrid mobile apps, open the m_CT_Home.jsp file in your project, e.g. …\CTModelHouse\src\main\jsp\m_CT_Home.jsp.

  2. For web applications, specify data-chardin-sequenced="true" inside the body element of CT_HOME.jsp file in your project, as shown in the following code snippet:


    For hybrid mobile apps, you must specify data-chardin-sequenced="true" inside the body element of m_CT_HOME.jsp file in your project.

    Code Block
    <body data-chardin-sequenced="true">

  3. Add the chardinjs.scss file to the appropriate theme folder in your project, e.g. …\CTRIAFramework\src\main\UIArena\theme\system\jqtbs\structure\sass\canvas.
  4. In the same theme folder, in _canvas.scss and _canvas-config.scss files, specify the imported chardinjs, as shown in the following code snippet:

    Code Block
    @import "chardinjs"; 

  5. Add the chardinjs.min.js plugin to the plugins folder in your project, e.g. …\CTRIAFramework\src\main\javascript\view\jqtbs\plugins.
  6. Specify the path of chardinjs.min.js plugin in the JQTBS_PLUGINS fileset in canvasondemandjs.xml file, as shown in the following code snippet:

    Code Block
    <file url="/CTRIAFramework/javascript/view/jqtbs/plugins/chardinjs.min.js"/> 

  7. Comment the "use strict" function in the jquery.mobile-events.js plugin.
  8. Add the canvas.util.coachmarks.js file to the common folder, placed inside the jqtbs folder of your project, e.g. …\CTRIAFramework\src\main\javascript\view\jqtbs\common.
  9. Specify the path of the canvas.util.coachmarks.js file in the jqtbs_CT_VIEW_BASE fileset in canvasondemandjs.xml file, as shown in the following code snippet:

    Code Block
    <file url="/CTRIAFramework/javascript/view/jqtbs/common/canvas.util.coachmarks.js"/> 

  10. Add the ct.coachMarks.js file to the appropriate javascript folder in your project, e.g. …\CTModelHouse\src\main\javascript.
  11. Specify the path of the ct.coachmarks.js file in the CT_READY fileset in ondemandjsfiles_lib.xml, as shown in the following code snippet:

    Code Block
    <file url ="/javascript/ct.coachMarks.js"/> 

  12. Ensure that the appropriate values and keys are provided in the ct.coachmarks.js file. The following code snippet serves as a sample reference:

    Code Block
    var config = {
    	 "type": "interactive", // For web apps and hybrid apps
    	 "coachMarks": [{
    			"type": "data-item-id",
    			"selectorVal": "ct-user-details",
    			"msg": "user details",
    			"position": "left"
    			"type": "data-item-id",
    			"selectorVal": "ct_logo",
    			"msg": "Canvas logo",
    			"position": "bottom"
    	 "bundle": "common"

    • The type indicates the key of the unique element attribute. Select the element, which you want to highlight as part of coach marks.
    • The selectorval indicates the value of the unique element attribute.
    • The msg indicates the guide messages, which are to be displayed for as tool tips for the highlighted components, which help in providing a proper form of guidance to the users of the application.
    • The position indicates the position of the guide messages.
    • If you do not have an unique Data Item ID or Data Widget ID, then you can specify the unique attribute key of the selected element in canvas.util.coachmarks.js file.
    • The sequential order is based on the order of the selected elements in DOM (Document Object Model).
