This page is intended for developers who are starting to use Canvas Technology to build their first web and mobile applications.
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PrerequisitesThe following prerequisite software are needed to set up your development environment for Canvas Technology:
Once the discussion with CT Platform Support team is completed, you must set up the development environment and deploy Canvas Studio for using the CT Platform. The development environment setup creates a blank application template, which can be committed to your project source code repository (e.g. SVN) for easy replication of the workbench setup in every developer's machine in your project team.
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To setup the development environment for using Canvas Technology, perform the following steps:
- Download CTSetup.jar from Intellect Nexus serverTo receive the Canvas Technology Platform binaries, send an email to
Execute the following command from the Command Prompt:
Code Block language bash java -jar CTSetup.jar
The Ant software version will be detected.
The Canvas Development Environment Setup Wizard opens with the Verify Software Prerequisites section. The Java SDK location path that is detected appears in the Java Home field.
By default, MySQL and Tomcat are selected in the Database Type and Server fields respectively. You can change these values if your target database and app server environment is different.Note Oracle is the supported alternative database and JBoss is the supported alternative app server. The setup assumes that your system contains the selected software.
- Click Next.
- In the Verify Canvas Prerequisites section, perform the following:
- Specify the application work folder in the Canvas Workfolder path field. If the folder does not exist, create the folder by clicking Select > Create new folder. Application logs, generated contents, such as reports, get stored in this folder.
- Specify the application name in Application Name field. The application name will be used as the WAR name and the application context.
- Specify a description for the application in the Short Description field. The description entered here will be added to the application manifest file.
- Specify your team name in the Team Name field. The team name entered here will be added to the application manifest file.
- Click Next.
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- In the Build and Deployment Parameters section, perform the following:
- Enter the folder for generating the application WAR in the Build Folder Path field. If the folder does not exist, create the folder by clicking Select > Create new folder icon. The application WAR file generated during build is stored in this folder.
- Enter the application source code folder in the Application Source Code Folder field. If the folder does not exist, create the folder by clicking Select > Create new folder icon. This folder is your main development folder in which the application source code and templates are to be created.
- Enter the application version number in the App Version No: field. The version number entered here is added to the application manifest file.
- Click Next.
- In the Generate Project Template section, click Generate.
The project template creation begins and and its status is shown in Summary. Once complete, click Finish.
A new application template with the name provided in step 4b is created inside the application source code folder. For example, a new application template named SmartBank is created inside D:\SmartbankSVN as shown in the following screen shot:Info The application project template folder contains the following sub-folders and files. These folders are the placeholders for your application source code and its dependencies.
- Dependencies - Place all the dependencies of your application here, e.g. third-party application JARs.
- DBScripts - Place all the database scripts of your application here.
- Lib - Place all the server-side code here, e.g. data support class, action classes, instruction classes etc.
- Resources - Place all the resources used by your application, e.g. properties files, SQL Maps etc.
- WebApp - Place all the web content (client-side) files here, e.g. listeners, HTML, CSS, images etc.
- ToBeCopiedOutside - Contains the additional files needed for generating reports. The contents of this folder need to be copied to the application work folder in step 4a. For example, D:\SmartBank.
- build.xml - File for building the application WAR file. This can be used as-is unless you are using some other folders to maintain your application code instead of the folders created by the wizard. - Properties file for build process. All the required inputs for building the application (e.g. Java directory) captured in the wizard are populated in the respective properties in this file. If suppose any of those inputs changes, you can update this file accordingly.
Note title Note If you want to use ARX Authentication system for the new application, you must specify in the file the ARX version in the ARX_VERSION key, e.g. ARX_VERSION=16. On using the ARX Authentication system, the implclassconfig and ctstudiosecurityconfig properties files get impacted. In the implclassconfig properties file, ARX is defined as role-based entitlement. The following code snippet serves as a reference:
Code Block VIEW_ENTITLEMENT_CLASS = com.intellectdesign.canvas.provider.auth.entitlement.ArxRoleBasedViewEntitlement
In the ctstudiosecurityconfig properties file, ARX is defined as the Authentication Provider. The following code snippet serves as a reference:Code Block AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS = com.intellectdesign.canvas.provider.auth.arx.ARXCookieBasedAuthenticationProvider
- - Properties file for mobile build process.