It is mandatory for you to uncomment the antcall target function in the build xml (e.g. buildModelHouse.xml) file present in your project source folder, e.g. D:\SVN_REPO\\Sources\CTModelHouse\Sources\CTModelHouseServerBuilder\src\main\ant\buildModelHouse.xml. The following code snippet serves as a sample reference:
Code Block language xml <!-- Css compresion is done here --> <antcall target="-build.modelhouse.compresscss" /> <antcall target="package_compile_sass" /> <!-- Uncomment the antcall target function --> <jar destfile="${MODEL_WAR_FILE_NAME}"> <fileset dir="${WAR_ROOT}"> <include name="**/*.*" /> </fileset> <manifest> <attribute name="Created-By" value="${unit.name}" /> <attribute name="Build-Jdk" value="${java.version}" /> <attribute name="Bundle-Name" value="modelhouse war" /> <attribute name="Bundle-Version" value="${product.version}" /> <attribute name="Bundle-Description" value="Web application archive for the modelhouse" /> <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${company.name}" /> <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${product.name}" /> <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${product.version}" /> <attribute name="Build-Id" value="${buildVersion}" /> <attribute name="Build-Date" value="${DATE}"/> </manifest> </jar>
Once you execute and generate the database scripts for your web application, you must specify the database or schema name in the same build xml file (e.g. buildModelHouse.xml), present in your project source folder, e.g. D:\SVN_REPO\\Sources\CTModelHouse\Sources\CTModelHouseServerBuilder\src\main\ant\buildModelHouse.xml. The following code snippet serves as a sample reference:
Note For setting up a development environment using Canvas Technology and to execute and generate DB scripts for your web application, refer Setup Development Environment for Canvas Technology.
Code Block language xml <!-- Prepare the CSS Files (compile sass, merge and minify) --> <target name="package_compile_sass"> <echo>Compiling SASS and CSS File merge / minify</echo> <java classname="com.intellectdesign.canvas.utils.BuidSassCompilationUtil" fork="yes" failonerror="yes"> <arg value="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" /> <arg value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/multi_16745" /> <!-- The database or schema name is multi_16745 --> <arg value="ctuser" /> <arg value="canvas" /> <arg value="/ctmodelhouse" /> <arg value="MODELHOUSE" /> <arg value="${WAR_ROOT}/CTRIAFramework/UIArena/theme/system/cssconfig.xml" /> <arg value="${WAR_ROOT}" /> <classpath refid="sasscompilecompressjars" /> </java> </target>
After you perform the aforementioned steps, you can proceed with the build and deployment of your web application.