Config Key | Mandatory/ Optional | Type | Purpose |
Category: Upload Component Preferences | |||
UPLOAD_TEMP_FOLDER | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the path to maintain the uploaded files. For example, /FileUpload |
MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the maximum file size in MB. You need not include "MB" along with the value. You can include decimal values too. For example, 10 |
Category: Common Preferences | |||
ENABLE_LAYOUT_RESIZE | Mandatory | String | This key is used to indicate whether the container layout can be resized or not. Possible values are Y or N. Note: This configuration is applicable only for the n-column layout and not for STACK layout |
ENABLE_APP_DRAG | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to indicate whether the app can be dragged or not. Possible values are Y or N. |
RESPONSIVE_GRID_IND | Mandatory | Boolean | This key is used to indicate whether to enable responsive grid or not. Possible values are Y or N. |
INIT_RESPONSIVE_GRID_WIDTH | Mandatory | Number | This key is used to provide the minimum width of the grid to convert the grid as responsive grid while resizing. For example, 350 |
DATE_COLUMN_ALIGNMENT | Mandatory | Lov | This key is used to provide the alignment for the date columns in the grid views. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT. |
AMOUNT_COLUMN_ALIGNMENT | Mandatory | Lov | This key is used to provide the alignment for the Amount columns in the grid views. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT. |
DATE_TIME_COLUMN_ALIGNMENT | Mandatory | Lov | This key is used to provide the alignment for the Date and Time columns in the grid views. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT. |
COPYRIGHT_MSG | Mandatory | String | This key defines the copyright message that must appear in the application. If this property is not configured, the following default value is taken: "Copyright \u00A9 CT MODELHOUSE 2014.". |
LOAD_COMPILED_TEMPLATE | Optional | String | This key indicates whether to compile the CTTPL template files at the server-side or client-side. Possible values are Y or N, where 'Y' indicates that templates will be compiled at the server-side and 'N' indicates templates will be compiled at the client-side. |
ENABLE_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION | Optional | Boolean | This key is only available in the Sigmacomponentspreferences.properties file for Sigma Studio. |
Category: User Images related preferences | |||
USER_IMAGES_FOLDER | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to provide the path of the user uploaded images. |
USER_IMAGES_MAXSIZE | Mandatory | Number | This key is used to restrict the user uploaded image file size. |
USER_IMAGE_FORMATS | Mandatory | Relative Path | This key is used to define the image formats for images uploaded by the user. For example, JPG, PNG, etc. Multiple values must be comma ',' separated. |
Category: Google Map view related preferences | |||
GOOGLE_MAP_URI | Mandatory | URI | This key is used to define the Google Maps URI for the Map views. |
GOOGLE_MAP_ZOOM | Mandatory | Number | This key is used to provide the maximum percentage of zoom on the Google Maps. |
Category: Grid View preferences | |||
LIST_VIEW_PAGESIZE | Mandatory | Number | This key is used to provide the page size of the grid. This will be used for the grid data pagination. |
DEFAULT_RECORDS_PER_PAGE | Optional | Number | This key is used to provide the number of records per page for classic or live grid views. This will be used for the grid data pagination. |
DEFAULT_PAGES_DISPLAY | Optional | Number | This key is used to provide the default pages for displaying on the classic or simple live grid. This will be used for the grid data pagination. |
SEARCH_RESULT_EXPORT_REQD | Optional | Boolean | This key is used to provide the values that specify whether export content have the search result value or not. Possible values are true or false. |
Category: Mobility related preferences | |||
ACTION_BTN_ORDER | Optional | LOV | This key is used to provide the values to specify the order of action buttons in the form container for mobile. The possible values are:
Category: App Height related preferences | |||
WIDGETDEFAULTMINHEIGHT | Optional | Number | This key is used to provide the values that specify the default minimum height for the app. The default value is 150. |
WIDGETDEFAULTMAXHEIGHT | Optional | Number | This key is used to provide the values that specify the default maximum height for the app. The default value is 450. |
CONTEXT_MSG_ENABLE | Optional | Boolean | This key is used to provide the values that enables or disables context messages. Possible values are Y or N. Default value is N. |