
  1. On the home page of Sigma Studio, click Excel Import on the top pane.

    Image RemovedImage Added

  2. On the Import File to DB page, select the Browser Files option and proceed to import the spreadsheet of your choice. 


    The supported spreadsheet formats are: XLS, CSV and XLSX

    The imported spreadsheet data appears. 

  3. To generate an app or a view for the imported spreadsheet, click the Generate View option. 


    On clicking the Generate View option, the Select Workspace drop-down list appears automatically and you can choose an existing workspace of your choice. If you do not select a workspace, then by default, the imported spreadsheet will automatically get mapped to the Welcome workspace. If you do not make use of the Generate View option, then the imported spreadsheet will get saved in the form of a connection and a data source. 

  4. Before you enable the Generate CRUD sequence, ensure that you select the primary key of your choice from the Primary Key drop-down list. 


    You can even select multiple primary keys for the imported spreadsheet. 

  5. Select the Generate CRUD option to enable the CRUD sequential flow for the imported spreadsheet.


  6. To preview the imported spreadsheet, enable the Preview Mode toggle option. 

  7. To publish the imported spreadsheet, click Publish

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful data import of the spreadsheet, appears. 

  8. Click Ok