
  1. Log on to the end application using your credentials.

  2. Click the Globe icon on the top right side of the page.

  3. Select the Click to Change Profile Picture option to upload the profile picture of your choice.


    For the custom application layouts, you must specify the additional option of editing the profile picture in the JS listener file of your custom application layout, as shown in the following sample code snippet: For detailed information on creating custom application layouts, refer Custom Application Layout.

    Code Block
    $(this.parentElem).find('[data-item-id=ct_picedit]').on('click', function() {
                var addlnoptions = [];
                if($('[data-item-id=ct_picedit]').attr('id') == 'user-image')
    // Additional option for editing the Profile Picture
     $(this.parentElem).find('[data-item-id=ct_picedit]').on("error", function() {

  4. Click the Choose File option and select the profile picture of your choice from your local drive.

    1. Proceed to click Ok to upload the selected profile picture, e.g. Profile Pic.

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful upload of the profile picture, appears.

  5. Click Ok.

    Once you upload the profile picture of your choice, the uploaded profile picture appears, as shown in the following screen shot.

  6. To change or remove the existing profile picture, click the Change Profile Pic or the existing profile picture.

  7. Click the Remove icon to remove your existing profile picture.

    Once you remove the existing profile picture, you can select another picture of your choice from your local drive by making use of the Choose File option option.