Sigma enables you to configure a report with a specific file extension of your choice for the CSV format. You can even select a specific delimiter for the CSV format. Delimiters like comma and semicolon pave the way for the listed characters in the data sets to be distinctively separated in a proper manner. For the CSV format, the delimiters like comma and semicolon logically separate the different characters present in the data sets and the logical sequence of data will be displayed in an acute manner in accordance with the adept usage of delimiters. In Sigma Studio, you can assign delimiters and choose a specific file extension for the CSV format with simple and effective configurations.


To disable the headers and footers of a CSV report, specify the print options as N for the CSV report header and footer in the file (e.g. D:\Canvas\apache-tomcat-8.5.9\webapps\sigma\WEB-INF\lib), present in the Sigma Application WAR folder. A sample entry is provided in the following code snippet:

Code Block
# Indicator to decide to print CSV header in CSV report output.

# Indicator to decide to print CSV footer in CSV report output.

For detailed information on the file, refer /wiki/spaces/sigma2021/pages/2577957158.


  1. On the home page of Sigma Studio, click Manage > Report.

    The Information Report page appears. 

  2. Enter a unique ID in the Report Id field, e.g. ACCOUNT_MASTER.

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  3. Enter a unique name in the Report Name field, e.g. ACCOUNT MASTER.

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  4. Provide the other necessary details for the report, as shown in the following screen shot.


    For detailed information on creating reports, refer Configuring Reports.

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  5. In the Select Allowed Format field, click the CSV format.  

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    The Configure delimiter for CSV pop-up appears. 
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  6. Click the Delimiter drop-down list and select the delimiter of your choice, e.g. Comma


    The available delimiters are: Comma, SemiColon, Space and Tab

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  7. Click the Text Qualifier drop-down list and select a text qualifier of your choice, e.g. Double Quotes.


    Text Qualifiers are used within the delimiters to indicate the beginning and the end of the contents for a particular delimited text value. If the delimited text values are indicated in double-quotes, then the text values placed within the double quotes will not get separated by the delimiter, thereby ensuring that the specified text values placed within the double quotes are considered as a single value. 

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  8. Click the Select File Extension drop-down list and select a file extension of your choice, e.g. csv.


    The available file extensions for the CSV format are: csv, tsv and txt

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  9. Click the CSV Column Header drop-down list and select the Column Header (Yes) option to enable the column headers for the report.


    To disable the column headers for the CSV reports, select the Column Header (No) option from the CSV Column Header drop-down list.

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  10. On the Information Report page, click Save to save the report. 

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    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save of the report, appears. 

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  11. Click Ok.