Sigma enables you to provide custom file names and directories for the reports by configuring the Additional Info settings in Sigma Studio.

For instance, the following screenshot shows a custom directory and file name for the downloaded report:

In order to generate the simple report with a custom file name and publish a directory as shown in the screenshot, perform the following additional steps in Sigma Studio:

  1. In Additional Info tab, click Report Custom FileName field and enter the custom file name for the report.


    Refer Configuring a Simple Report for more information on configuring a simple report in Sigma Studio.

    • Click '@' to view the list of variables available for the custom file name.

    • Click '#' to view the list of filter variables available for the custom file name.


    If any filter variable is entered in the field, then the file name includes the filter based on the filter value chosen for the report in Sigma.

  2. Click the Publisher Relative Path field and enter the directory path in which the report needs to be saved. For example,


    /SIGMA REPORTS/ is given as the relative path here.


    In the Publisher Relative Path field, specify only the folder placed within the workfolder in your local drive. For instance, if the folder structure of the entire path is D:/SIGMA REPORTS/, then the Publisher Relative Path should be specified as /SIGMA REPORTS/. Similarly for the folders placed within the workfolder of a specific project folder, then the specific folder path should only be specified as the Publisher Relative Path.


  1. For instance, if D:/Canvas/Sigma/InfoReport is the appropriate folder structure of the entire path, then /InfoReport/ will be considered as the specific folder path and therefore, the Publisher Relative Path should be specified as /InfoReport/.

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