Sigma enables you to assign different roles for the Sigma enables you to assign different roles for the maker, checker and viewer users of an IT and Operations team, thereby enabling the listed maker, checker and viewer users to be assigned with the appropriate accessible roles based on their entitlements. On accessing Sigma Studio, the maker, checker and viewer users can respectively create, approve and view the various Studio components to which they are entitled and it is essential that the approval flow should be initiated, so as to enable the approval privileges for the checker user.
Note |
For the Sigma Studio Application, that is integrated with the Intellect ARX authentication system, it is essential that you must have already created the user roles for the IT and Operations maker, checker and viewer users must have been created in the Intellect ARX authentication system portal. When you create the the IT and Operations maker, checker and viewer users in Intellect ARX, ensure that you select the appropriate User Type, Sub-Type, Entity and Role in the User Creation screen for the IT and Operations users. For instance, if you create an IT and Operations maker user, it is essential that the User Type should be selected as Bank User, whereas the in Intellect ARX. For the IT and Operations Maker ensure:
For the IT and Operations Checker ensure:
For the IT and Operations Viewer ensure:
The appropriate access controls should be provided to the IT-OFFICE-MAKER, IT-OFFICE-CHECKER and IT-OFFICE-VIEWER roles . Ensure that in the Access Controls screen in Intellect ARX:
The System Administrator will approve the user details and the provided access controls will be assigned to the different user roles on the Intellect ARX authentication system portal. Once the IT and Operations users with specific user roles are created in Intellect ARX, ensure that you provide appropriate entries in the CT_REQ_MDLR_AUTHFLOW table on the Studio schema. Apart from data connections, the IT and Operations maker, checker and viewer users can respectively create, approve and view data sources, data source aggregators, role mapping and criteria based on the provided entitlements and user roles in Sigma Studio. The IT and Operations maker, checker and viewer users will be able to access only the Sigma Studio ApplicationStudio. |
Note |
You can even create a standard IT and Operations user in the Intellect ARX authentication system without assigning the checker and viewer roles, thereby ensuring that no approval flow gets involved. To create a standard IT and Operations user in the Intellect ARX authentication system, ensure that you select the relevant User Type, Sub-Type, Entity and Role in the User Creation screen for the standard IT and Operations user. For the standard IT and Operations user, it is essential that the User Type should be selected as Bank User, whereas the Sub-Type should be chosen as Functional User and the Entity should be selected as STUDIO, while the Role must be selected as IT-OFFICE-MAKER in the User Creation screen on the Intellect ARX authentication system portal. It is necessary that you select the Role as IT-OFFICE-MAKER in the Access Controls screen when providing the access controls to the IT-OFFICE-MAKER role on the Intellect ARX authentication system portal. The standard IT and Operations user can configure data sources, data source aggregators, role mapping and criteria based on the provided entitlements and user roles in Sigma Studio. The standard IT and Operations user will be able to access only the Sigma Studio Application. |
Perform the following step on the Studio schema:
FLOW_CTRL_ID | 006 |
EVAL_CONDITION | { condition : [ { id : equals , field : $context.authflow value : true } ] } |
TYPE | foureye |
AUTH_FLOW | { authflow : [ { tier : [ { type : INTEGER, min : 10, max : 100, workflow : { type : foureye , flow : { completed : false } } }, { type : INTEGER, min : 100, max : 1000, workflow : { type : sixeye , flow : { completed : false } } }, { type : INTEGER, min : 1000, max : 10000, workflow : { type : tree , flow : { condition : OR , completed : false, flow : [ { role : A , count : 1, completed : false }, { role : B , count : 2, completed : false }, { role : D , count : 1, completed : false }, ] }, { completed : false, flow : [ { role : A , count : 1, completed : false }, { role : C , count : 1, completed : false }, { role : D, count : 1, completed : false } ] }, { completed : false, flow : [ { role : X , count : 1, completed : false }, { role : Y , count : 1, completed : false } ] }, { role : E , count : 1, completed : false }
] } ] } |
Refer the following pages for detailed information on the usage of IT and Operations maker, checker and viewer user roles in Sigma Studio: