
  1. Download and install the ChromeDriver (chromedriver.exe) file in your system.
  2. Make sure that you mention the ChromeDriver file name in the DRIVER_FILE_NAME property on the Sigmainforreportconfig.properties file as shown in the following screenshot.

    Sample File Location in Tomcat Server: <Tomcat-Installed-Folder>/webapps/sigma/WEB-INF/lib/SigmaResources.jar/Sigmainforreportconfig.properties.

    • If you use Windows OS, mention the file name on the DRIVER_FILE_NAME property as chromedriver.exe.

  3. Make sure that you specify the relevant Sigma Application URL in the REPORT_SVG_HEADLESS_URL property on the Sigmainforreportconfig.properties file as shown in the following screenshot.

Prerequisites for Linux
To display charts on the reports, it is necessary to perform the following system pre-requisites on the Linux environment, where Sigma is to be deployed:

  1. Download and install the Playwright JS library (ms-playwright) and the Chromium browser in your system.


    Playwright is a node-based JavaScript (JS) library, which has been used to launch headless browsers for automating the controls of the web page. The Playwright JS library is used in Sigma to enable the analytical representation of graphical objects like charts to be showcased in the generated reports.

  2. Ensure that the downloaded Playwright folder (ms-playwright) is placed within the Sigma workfolder in your project, e.g. .../Sigma/ms-playwright.

    Ensure that the downloaded Playwright folder (ms-playwright) comprises the Chrome (chrome.exe) executable file within the Chromium sub-folder, e.g. .../Sigma/ms-playwright//chromium-939194/chrome-linux/chrome.

  3. Specify the path of the Chrome (chrome.exe) executable file placed within the Playwright folder (ms-playwright) in the DRIVER_EXECUTABLE_PATH property on the Sigmainforreportconfig.properties file, e.g. /ms-playwright/chromium-939194/chrome-linux/chrome, as shown in the following screenshot.

    Sample File Location in Tomcat Server: <Tomcat-Installed-Folder>/webapps/sigma/WEB-INF/lib/SigmaResources.jar/Sigmainforreportconfig.properties.

Refer the following pages:
