Sigma enables you to connect with Amazon SNS, a notification service which enables you to facilitate the mass of emails to several end users or customersSimple Notification Service (SNS) for sending report notifications to report consumers. The appropriate E-Mail IDs of the customers or end users are stored in the form of Topics on the Amazon SNS notification delivery service. Using Sigma, you can send the status of the generated reports to your customers by establishing a connection with the SNS delivery mechanism in the AWS environment.
It is essential that you


Perform the following essential steps on the Amazon Web Services portal:

  • You should have already created an AWS account as an IAM (Identity Access Management) or a Root User to make use of the SNS email delivery services.
  • Once you register as an IAM or a Root User in


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can proceed to create a topic on the SNS email delivery service. To create a new topic, make use of the Create New Topic option and provide the essential topic details for the topic creation.
  • Provide the e-mail address of your customers in the topic and once the email addresses are added to the topic, ensure that your customers subscribe to the created topic on the SNS email delivery service. For adding the email addresses of your customers to a topic, make use of the Create Subscription option and provide the apt email addresses of your customers as the Subscribers' details. Your customers must approve the confirmation email, received on their respective email addresses, so as to subscribe to the topic.
  • After your customers subscribe to the created topic, they will receive emails on the status of the generated reports in Sigma Application.

Using the AWS portal, let's assume that the SNSCHECK topic has already been created for the SNS email delivery service, as shown in the sample screen shot:

It's also assumed that a couple of end users have already subscribed to the SNSCHECK topic with their respective email addresses, as shown in the following sample screen shot:

By making use of Sigma Studio, the configuration UI tool, you can easily establish a connection with the SNS delivery service using minimal sets of configurable actions. The status of the generated reports in Sigma Application will be sent in the form of emails to the subscribed users or customers of the created topic on the SNS delivery service in the AWS portal.
