
  1. In Report Parameters tab, select Yes from the Is Password Protected? drop-down list.

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A Password Pattern field appears.
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2. Now, enter the function and attributes patterns in the Password Pattern field.


  • s:getFirst can be used to read the starting characters from the selected attribute.
  • s:getLast can be used to read the end characters from the selected attribute.
  • d:day can be used to read days.
  • d:month can be used to read the months in numbers. For example, 11 for the month November.
  • d:monthabbr can be used to read the months in abbreviations. For example, Nov for the month November.
  • d:monthfull can be used to read the months in words. For example, November for the month November.
  • d:year can be used to read years.
  • d:year2 can be used to read the last two digits of the year. For example, 21 for the year 2021.

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4. Enter '@' to view the list of password attributes available for the functions. Select any one from the attribute list.



    For example, if you provide d:day(DATE_OF_BIRTH) as the password pattern, the expression informs the system to read the day from the user's date of birth and form it as a password.
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Here, s:getFirst(LOGIN_ID,4)+getLast(MIDDLEFIRST_NAME, 3) is provided as the password pattern. The expression informs the system to read the first four characters from the Login ID (s:getFirst(LOGIN_ID, 4)), last three characters from the middle first name (getLast(MIDDLEFIRST_NAME, 3)) and concatenate them to form a password.
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5. Perform the other configurations and save the report.
