
titleGrid widget has date column configured in Studio, but it is not rendering in end application

Check for the following error pattern in the log file:

Code Block
			 {[CTBAS00014]:The String is either not in proper date format or is not a date: Format: dd/mm/yyyy , Value:  31-12-2030


If such date format mismatch occurs, then change the value of the date field to the user-preferred format.


titleData submit to database via Request Modeler flow is failing

Check for the following error pattern in the log file:

Code Block
{[CTAUD00155]:AuditHandlerInstruction.logException() - Encountered exception.
				 Exception message : An SQLException occurred while executing the insert operation.

Check if the request data has been modified to make the value of REFERENCE_NO column to null. If so, then the insert to the REFERENCE column in the OD_AUDIT table will fail.
