
titleCT Server error occurs in logs

Check for the following pattern in the error logs:

Code Block
[com.intellectdesign.canvas.cache.handler.LocalCacheHandlerProxy][ERROR] {[CTCAC00033]:Could not load 'com.intellectdesign.canvas.cache.entitlement.EntitlementCacheBuilder'.

Solution: Include the CTReadyApps.jar from the CT release to the application's dependencies folder.

titleApplication shows blank page after log-in

Check the following:

  • Any errors in the browser console.
  • Any network call failing
  • Check if users' entitlements have changed
  • Any errors in the CT server logs. If so, share it to CT Support team via Jira.

Data Rendering or Data Submission 


titleRequest Modeler save is not working

Check for the following pattern in the error logs:

Code Block
Cause: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'BUSINESS_KEY' at row 1

Solution: Check the data passed through the request modeler. It is advised to configure a unique key as the BUSINESS_KEY while creating the request modeler in Studio. The value passed must not be more than 256 characters.

titleHow to display currency symbol for amount fields?

Refer Amount page for more information.

titleCouldn't get data from DB for an app

Check for the following pattern in the error logs:

Code Block
				 {[CTVDF00386]:Database Exception occurred in fetchData() while retrieving the View data for the view id : SOME_VIEW_ID}


  • Check the app's datasource and the its response.
  • At the end of the stack trace, check the root cause mentioned in the "Caused by:" section.


titleHow to enable encryption of business data, request and response between client and server in the application built using Canvas?

You can enable encryption for the application built using Canvas by setting the 'ENCRYPT_SERVER_CALLS' property to 'Y' in the 'systempreferences.properties' file.


When you enable encryption, Canvas will encrypt all requests coming to your application including log out.

A sample 'systempreferences.properties' file is available in CTModelHouseResource.jar in the Model House application that comes as part of the Canvas platform package.

Note that you must stop and start your application server to enable this feature. After the application server is restarted, access the widgets in the application and check the Network tab in the browser console to verify the encryption.
