Versions Compared


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  1. Ensure that you have correct information on the environment details of your application, such as:
    1. Canvas Technology Platform
    2. Application server
    3. Database server
    4. Canvas Studio schema name
    5. Context root of your application
    6. Application ID of your application

  2. Ensure that you have downloaded the correct patch release of Canvas Technology (CT) Platform.
    The Canvas patch release package shall contain the following:
    • CT JARs
      • CTFull.jar
      • CTResources.jar
      • CTLogging-Log4j-1x.jar
      • CTLogging-Log4j-2x.jar
    • Canvas Studio WAR (If any Studio issues are fixed)
      • expertctstudio.war
      • Canvas Studio DB scripts
      • JBOSS modules (If JBOSS app server is being used by your application)
    • Incremental DB scripts (If any DB structural changes)



The CTResources.JAR will be available in the dependencies folder of your project (application) that was created using the Canvas Setup Wizard.

                 b. Paste the copied CanvasApplicationContext.JSON file inside the latest extracted CTResources.JAR of the Canvas patch release.


  1. Update Canvas Studio WAR:
    The Canvas Studio WAR is provided when any issues in Canvas Studio is fixed. To update the Canvas Studio WAR perform the following steps:
    1. In your project (application) folder, open the existing Canvas Studio WAR (expertctstudio.war) and copy the CanvasApplicationContext.JSON file in the CTResources.JAR (expertctstudio.war\WEB-INF\lib\CTResources.jar\CanvasApplicationContext.JSON).
    2. Paste the copied CanvasApplicationContext.JSON file inside the latest extracted CTResources.JAR of the Canvas Studio WAR (expertctstudio.war).
      The CanvasApplicationContext.JSON file in the Canvas Studio WAR must first have the details of your application and then Canvas Studio respectively. For example:

      Code Block
        "contextRoot": "ctmodelhouse", // application context root
        "applicationId": "MODELHOUSE", // same application ID given for executing DB script during initial Canvas setup
        "displayName": "ModelHouse", // application display name
        "isService": "N" // Retain the value 'N' for monolith application
        "contextRoot": "expertctstudio", // CT Studio context root
        "applicationId": "CTSTUDIO", // CT Studio application ID
        "displayName": "CT-STUDIO", // CT Studio display name
        "isService": "N" // CT Studio monolith

    3. Ensure the correct DB details of your application are provided in the CT_FW_DATABASE_VENDOR and DB_VENDOR properties in the inside the latest Canvas Studio WAR (expertctstudio.war\WEB-INF\lib\expertctstudioResource.jar\ For example:

      Code Block

    4. Check the correct work folder paths (OS-specific) are provided in the CT_WORK_FOLDER_PATH and CT_WORK_CENTRALIZED_FOLDER_PATH properties in the in the latest Canvas Studio WAR (expertctstudio.war\WEB-INF\libexpertctstudioResource.jar\
    5. Copy the latest Canvas Studio WAR and replace the existing WAR in your project (application) folder.
    6. If using JBOSS application server, you must replace the existing Canvas Studio folder with the latest from the Canvas release package. For example, ../jboss-eap-8.0\modules\com\intellectdesign\thirdparty\expertctstudio.


Perform the following steps to use the CT release as-is without the need to update the CanvasApplicationContext.json file in the CTResources.jar.

  1. Update web.xml in Canvas Studio  application WAR

Example,File Location...\webapps\ctmodelhouse\WEB-INF\web.xml
