Class Description: The class that is expected to render the structure of the application. All Canvas libraries are advised to have header, footer, and content spaces.


                   on demand file set id = (framework Id)_(CT_VIEW_BASE),
For example, a jQuery UI component developer can do this as follows:
                   on demand file set id = jqui_CT_VIEW_BASE
Registry Signature:

CLCR.registerCmp({'VIEW_TYPE':'VIEWPORT'}, <<View port class>>);

Scope: The core layer does not pass anything significant here for the library developers to consider.

Sample Code Snippet:

Code Block
cbx.lib.viewport = Class(cbx.core.Component, {


	initialize: function() {




		* This is the config which will be passed to Workspace Manager




			var viewportConfig = {


			"eleType": "div",






	var viewportConfigObj = new cbx.lib.layer(viewportConfig).getLayer();




		var config = {


			elem: viewportConfigObj




	var applicationLayout = ct.core.metadata.getApplicationLayout();


	var headerClass = CLCR.getCmp({'COMP_TYPE':'APPLICATION_HEADER','LAYOUT':applicationLayout});


	var header = new headerClass();




	var footerClass = CLCR.getCmp({'COMP_TYPE':'APPLICATION_FOOTER','LAYOUT':applicationLayout});




			var footer = new footerClass();




	var that = this; 


		//Calling the core workspace manager to assign it to this.wsManager with the config object containing the viewport component.


		that.wsManager = new cbx.core.WSManager(config);


		//adds the app container as viewport's child. This app container contains the workspace container.




















	CLCR.registerCmp({'VIEW_TYPE':'VIEWPORT'}, cbx.lib.viewport);