Config Key | Mandatory/ Optional | Type | Purpose |
VIEW_ENTITLEMENT_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the class path that validates the user's entitlement. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
GLOBAL_CURRENCY_PROVIDER_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the class path that provides the list of global currency to be used in the application. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
RATE_CARD_FACOTORY_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the class path that provides the list of rate card to be used in the application. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
HANDLER_INVOKER_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This is the class that bridges the call between the action layer and the handler layer. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
HAL_HANDLER_INVOKER_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This is the class that bridges the call between the Handler/Instruction Class and external data source -EJB. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
REQUEST_INTERCEPTOR_CLASS | Optional | String | This key is used to provide the class that is responsible of modifying the request params before handling to the handler. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
PUBLIC_KEY_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the class that is responsible for providing the public key for data encryption and decryption. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
ENCRYPTION_KEY_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key is used to provide the class that implements the EncryptionEngine Interface. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
EVENT_INTERCEPTOR_CLASS | Optional | String | This key is used to provide the class that is responsible to provide the event details along with its pre-processor configurations for the mapped action button in the FormContainerManager flow. The class that you write must implement the following interface:
LOGIN_HANDLER_INVOKER_CLASS | Mandatory | String | This key must be used if the Login delegation is to be done through a Remote EJB lookup.
The following five properties must be defined if the handler invoker is set to RemoteLoginHandlerInvoker:
The property that follows is to be defined if the handler Invoker is HttpLoginHandlerInvoker: