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titleHow to adjust the width of the tab panels in a form wizard?

You can adjust the width of the tab panels in a form wizard through CSS. Let's consider a form wizard shown in the following screen shot taken from the sample application, ModelHouse.

Assume that the ModelHouse application is using the Market theme and the corresponding CSS file is: D:\Canvas\apache-tomcat-7.0.67\webapps\ctmodelhouse\css\style\market\jqtbs\market-jqtbs-ltr.css.

To adjust the width of the tab panels in a form wizard, perform the following:

  1. Open the market-jqtbs-ltr.css file and add the following code in it.

    Code Block
    [data-item-id="FORM_TRANSFER"] [class*=wizard-view-]{
        display: inherit;
    [data-item-id="FORM_TRANSFER"] [class*=wizard-view-].nav-tabs li {
        width: 250px;
    /* where, FORM_TRANSFER is the form wizard ID. */

  2. Save the changes to market-jqtbs-ltr.css file.
  3. Refresh the browser and verify if the specific form's title ('Add Payee' in this example) is hidden tab panels' width are adjusted as shown in the following screenshot:
