Consider providing a Combo Box for the list of Debit Account No and Beneficiary Account fetched dynamically from database. This can be done using the data-support class.
- Delete the Textbox "TXT_DBIT_AC_NO".
- Insert a Combo and put the Item ID as "TXT_DBIT_AC_NO".
- Create a data-support class implementing the Canvas IAdditionalData IAdditionalDataSupport class and retrieve the data using a SQLMap.
- Map the data-support class path with Form. The data-support class must be located within the implementation team's application source code.
Now, create a data-support class that implements the following Canvas class:
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package com.intellectdesign.modelhouse.dataSupport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.database.DatabaseConstants; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.database.DatabaseException; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.database.DatabaseRequest; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.database.DatabaseResult; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.formdefinition.FormDefinitionException; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.formdefinition.FormItemDefinition; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.formdefinition.addinfo.AdditionalDataCodeValue; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.formdefinition.addinfo.IAdditionalDataSupport; import com.intellectdesign.canvas.value.IUserValue; public class PaymentDataSupport implements IAdditionalDataSupport { /* This method is invoked by the Form Manager to provide a hook for the data support * to handle the data fetch for fields that need additional data. This method is * intended to provide a list of all the supported data that is needed for the Form Item * whose definition is passed as a parameter to this method. * * @param itemDefn - FormItemDefinition that contains the items which need additional data * @param userValue - UserValue object containing logged on user details * @param inputParams - Hashmap of cached client input parameters * @return ArrayList<AdditionalDataCodeValue> - AdditonalData Display Value and the Data Code * @throws FormDefinitionException is thrown if any errors/exceptions while getting Additional Data. */ @Override public ArrayList<AdditionalDataCodeValue> getAdditionalDataFor( FormItemDefinition itemDefn, IUserValue userValue, HashMap inputParams) throws FormDefinitionException { ArrayList<AdditionalDataCodeValue> resultList = null; DatabaseRequest dbRequest = null; DatabaseResult dbResult = null; List tmpList = null; String key = null; try { //Create a DB Request to fetch the Account No from DB to the combo dbRequest = new DatabaseRequest(); dbResult = new DatabaseResult(); tmpList = new ArrayList(); resultList = new ArrayList<AdditionalDataCodeValue>(); dbRequest.setDataSource(DatabaseConstants.DEFAULT_DATASOURCE); //Getting the data for the Debit Account No combo if (itemDefn.getItemId().equals("ACC_NO")) { dbRequest.setOperation(DatabaseConstants.SELECT); // Actual result map key, which contains the SQL to be executed dbRequest.setDataAccessMapKey("FUNDTRANS"); dbRequest.setOperationExtension("ACC_NO"); dbResult = dbRequest.execute(); key = "ACCOUNT_NO"; tmpList = dbResult.getReturnedList(); } else if (itemDefn.getItemId().equals("BENE_ACC_NO")) { dbRequest.setOperation(DatabaseConstants.SELECT); dbRequest.setDataAccessMapKey("FUNDTRANS"); dbRequest.setOperationExtension("BENE_NO"); dbResult = dbRequest.execute(); key = "BENE_ACC_NO"; tmpList = dbResult.getReturnedList(); } for (int i = 0; i < tmpList.size(); i++) { Map tmpMap = (HashMap) tmpList.get; resultList.add(new AdditionalDataCodeValue((String) tmpMap.get(key), (String) tmpMap.get(key))); } } catch (DatabaseException dbExcep) { throw new FormDefinitionException(dbExcep); } return resultList; } } |
Info |
The following method can be used from the FormItemDefinition class:
The following methods can be used from the IUserValue class:
For more information, refer the Java documentation of the IUserValue interface. You must download the JavaDoc ZIP and open the index.html file. The getAdditionalDataFor method must return a list of AdditionalDataCodeValue objects. The AdditionalDataCodeValue has the following types of constructors:
Now, create a Select SQL result map in SQLMap file to get the data from the database for the access map key.
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<! Debit Account Number selection SQL Extension value as SELECT_ACC_NO----------------------------> <select <selectidid="FUNDTRANS_SELECT_ACC_NO" resultMap="FUNDTRANS_SELECT_ACC_NO_RESULT_MAP"> select ACCOUNT_NO from ACCOUNT_SUMMARY_DATA </select> <! Debit Account Number selection SQL Extension value as SELECT_ACC_NO---> <select <selectidid="FUNDTRANS_SELECT_BENE_NO" resultMap="FUNDTRANS_SELECT_BENE_NO_RESULT_MAP"> select BENE_ACC_NO from BENE_DATA where PAYMENT_TYPE='Domestic Fund Transfer' </select> |
Similarly, replace the Beneficiary Account No text box with Combo and get the Beneficiary Account No for the combo in the same data-support class.
After adding, map the data-support class path with the Payment Form as com.intellectdesign.modelhouse.dataSupport.PaymentDataSupport.
Build your sources and run the application. The form should must appear as shown in the following screenshot:
Getting the data for other items using AJAX Request
In the sample listener class payments.intertransfer.js created for the Payment Form, add the following handlers:
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registerHandlers : function () {"cbxchange", "TXT_DBIT_AC_NO", function (fm, event, fieldName, value) { if(!cbx.isEmpty (value)) { var paramsOb = { "INPUT_ACTION" : "GET_ACC_DTLS", "INPUT_FUNCTION_CODE" : "VSBLTY", "INPUT_PRODUCT" : "PAYMNT", "INPUT_SUB_PRODUCT" : "BKSIFT", "PAGE_CODE_TYPE" : "ACC_CODE", "PRODUCT_NAME" : "PAYMNT", "ACCOUNT_NO" : value }; cbx.ajax( { params : paramsOb, success : function (result, request) { fm.model.setValue('TXT_DBIT_AC_NAME', (response.ACC_NAME|| response.ACCOUNT_NAME||"")); }, scope :this }); } }); /*"cbxchange","TXT_BEN_AC_NO", function (fm, event,fieldName, value){ }); */ } |
Similarly, create a change event for the TXT_BEN_AC_NO combo and get the data through Action Class > Handler Class > Instruction Class > SQL Map from the database.