Apart from providing common properties, Canvas also provides the extension to override these properties so that the developer provided values appear. The developer can create their own property file that contains the list of canvas common label keys and values. After creating the property file, the developer must enter the property file name against the label key CT_LABELS_OVERRIDE_BUNDLE_NAME in the multilingualconfig.properties file.
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Adding an entry in the override bundle will update the default message for all the apps globally. To customize the default message for a specific widget, refer Overriding Default Data Messages for Specific Widget. |
A sample multilingualconfig.properties is as follows:
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The Canvas property file canvas-default.properties contains Canvas provides two properties for displaying the default messages for widgets. The first property is NO_DATA_MSG that is used when there is no application data to display on the widget. The second property is NO_DATA_TO_DISP that is used when the logged-in user is not entitled to view the application data. The default values of these properties are as follows:
If suppose, you want to customize these messages based on some context, e.g. a widget displaying recent transactions must display an appropriate message when there are no recent transactions. To achieve this, you must append the widget ID (view ID) to the NO_DATA_MSG property in the resource bundle configured for the widget as follows:
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<VIEW_ID>_NO_DATA_MSG = <messages text> # For example: VW_RECENT_TRAN_NO_DATA_MSG = There are no recent transactions in the last 10 days. |