- Create a form using Canvas Studio Form Designer. Refer the Form Designer for more information on creating a form.
Select the help indicator property for the form item for which you want to display the help text. For example, in the following screen shot, help indicator has been enabled for the TENOR field present in the DEPOSIT_STAT_FORM.
Info - Selecting the help indicator property is mandatory if you want to display help text for the form item in your end application. The help text as such cannot be provided in Form Designer. You must configure the help text for the form item ID in the properties file for it to display in your end application.
- Help indicator property is applicable only for selective form items as indicated in the table above.
In the properties file (for example, common_en_US.properties) provide the help text for the form item as raw-key value pair as follows:
Code Block language bash <Form Item ID>_HELP_MSG = <help text> -- For example, TENOR_HELP_MSG = The length of time until a loan is due.