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import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Text, View, Image, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native' import Swiper from 'react-native-swiper' import { GlobalLiterals } from "../../GlobalEnums/Canvas.enum"; import Styles from "../../styles/structure.scss" export default class Loan_Summary extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.scope = this.props.scope; this.listConfig = this.props.listConfig; // All records are passed to the component via this.props.listConfig.ALL_RECORDS this.state = { recordList: this.listConfig.ALL_RECORDS, }; } _renderSwipeableComponent(){ let swipeableComps = []; this.state.recordList.map(comp => { let imgPath = GlobalLiterals.APP_PATH + "/" + "images/loan_summary/" + comp.PROD_IMG; swipeableComps.push( <View style={Styles.loan_summary_template_wrapper}> <Image style={Styles.loan_summary_template_img} source={{uri: imgPath}} /> <View style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_title_wrapper}> <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_title_txt}>{comp.LOAN_TYPE} </Text> <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_title_txt}>{comp.LOAN_NO}</Text> </View> <View style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_desc_wrapper}> <View > <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_desc_title}>Payment Due Date </Text> <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_desc_value}>{comp.PAYMENT_DUE_DT}</Text> </View> <View > <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_desc_title}>Next Payment </Text> <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_desc_value}>{comp.NEXT_PAYMENT}</Text> </View> </View> <TouchableOpacity style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_btn}> <Text style = {Styles.loan_summary_template_btn_title}> Pay Now </Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ) }) return swipeableComps; } render() { return ( <Swiper style={Styles.loan_summary_template_swipper_wrapper} dotStyle = {Styles.loan_summary_template_swipper_dot} activeDotStyle = {Styles.loan_summary_template_swipper_activeDotStyle}> {this._renderSwipeableComponent()} </Swiper> ) } } CLCR.registerCmp( { COMP_TYPE: "Template", // This is always "Template" COMP_NAME: "Loan_summary" // This is the template ID provided in studio }, Loan_Summary // This is the component Name ); |