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Reports are configured in Sigma Studio by operation or IT users. Report consumers log-on to Sigma Application (portal) and generate or schedule the reports that they have access to based on their entitlement. |
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Multiple emails get triggered even though only one entry in the table (OD_PENDING_MAIL) from where CT picks up records to be sent as email. In such cases refer these kind of errors found in the SystemOut.log (WebSphere log).
Sigma Studio (for Configuring Reports)
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No. The report designers (Sigma Studio users) can configure or enable specific formats for each reports. Report consumers or generators (Sigma Application users) can generate the reports in the enabled formats only. |
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Refer the CT_DATA_SOURCE_METRICS table, to view the Data builder and SQL query data source performance metrics collection in detail:
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To enable the scheduler update, remove, pause, and resume options available to PostgreSQL DB users, the following property files need to be modified in the CTResources.jar file.
1. Change the org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass key value to org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate in the canvas-default-alertschdlrquartz.properties file. 2. Replace the org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass key value with org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate in the canvas_reporting_quartz.properties file. |
Sigma Application (Portal for Generating Reports)
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Report consumers can perform the following on Sigma Application (portal):