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Canvas Technology provides the platform for rapid assembly of Omni-channel solutions that dramatically enhance Role-based efficiency. Canvas Technology provides a Rich Internet Application framework that you can use to develop functional modules through configuration of metadata and limited coding. The core crux of Canvas Technology revolves around the modeling of functionality into one or more Apps, organizing Apps into one or more Workspaces, and using flexible layouts to publish those Apps through a Canvas App Store.

The key features enabled by Canvas Technology are as follows:

  • Data source abstraction – For any product, there would be a local database that would drive its main functionality. But there could be scenarios where data may have to be sourced from other systems or even aggregated from multiple systems. Canvas Technology supports a database-based querying logic as a default feature with option to change it to other interfaces.
  • Consistent User


    Experience – Since all the UI rendering is controlled through metadata, there is a consistent user experience in the manner in which the content is rendered as well as support for standard 'incidental' features. The framework controls and mandates that all styling aspects are externalized into style sheets and not integrated into the code.


    The concept of a metadata driven UI provides immense power to the business and solution architects as the bulk of the typical time consuming activities around field changes, behavior changes, etc. gets completely controlled through simple configuration.

    App Workbench

    And framework provides consistency to rendering of content to an extent where standardized functionality across Apps can be easily enabled / disabled through configuration. This coupled with the flexibility to target functionality as per device provides immense flexibility to the tailor content.

  • App Workbench – This is a developer workbench that allows a developer to configure an app, all its related features, etc. Rather than behaving as an IDE, it provides a more functionality aware development workbench that enables a user to work on functionality and not on look and feel aspects.
  • Standardized coding


    concepts – Various JavaScript libraries provide their own manner in which things can be done. Canvas Technology automatically utilizes the best suited library for the form factor for performance while keeping user experience consistent.


    The developer need not be aware of the libraries and instead code only for the business logic using standard JavaScript and Canvas Technology API.

  • Management of multi browser


    support – In a multi-browser environment, the Apps configured in Canvas Technology take care of cross browser compatibility for any functionality that is generated. This compatibility provides the means to access a desktop web application through tablets or mobile.


    Though conventional approach suggests finalizing on a single library for browser functionality, it is also a reality that each library comes with its own distinct advantages that make it suitable for target devices as compared to others. The advantage need not necessarily have to be only technical.


  • It also can include other factors like licensing, support, extensibility, etc.
    Canvas supports a standard layer with plug and play adapters to different libraries like Bootstrap, jQuery, jQuery Mobile. This creates the flexibility for Canvas Technology to adapt to the needs of different environments across different devices without the developer having to learn these libraries


    Internet Explorer's compatibility mode is not supported by Canvas Technology.

  • Removes redundant / repeated logiclogic – The framework provides a standard manner in which functionality should be provided to the end user. This is not just from a consistency perspective, but also from a development perspective, it ensures that repeated functionality is derived based on the metadata itself and provide option for the user to just enable or disable the functionality.
  • Data Visualization supportsupport – The framework provides a means for the user to switch between different data visualization options just through configuration without having to change the data access or querying logic.
  • Globalization supportsupport – The framework automatically takes care of rendering content based on user's preferred locale and other preferences. For any requirement for addition of a new language, developer has to follow the standard process for registering the new language support and update the translations for all the content. Canvas Technology automatically takes care of Bi-directional rendering, cultural conventions in the form of date and amount formats being respected through and through. The developer need not have to code for these.
  • Fluid Form supportsupport – The definition of the App and forms are fluid. The apps and forms are designed to adapt to the display resolution or form factor of the device. This capability is achieved through a mix of intelligent choice of libraries and rendition modes based on the target device identification. Canvas Technology uses HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements for enabling this capability.

Canvas Technology provides multiple components or services that address the seven key dimensions that any customer facing application needs to worry about:

  • Customer Experience – The end application should provide an intuitive and easily navigable user interface with minimal to zero training needs for a typical end user to use the application. There should be a consistency in the manner in which the application behaves if the user accesses the application using various devices. The application should be user centric and not business process centric!
  • Operational Efficiency– The end application should enable options to improve the operational efficiency of the users. This includes different categories of users – Developers, Operations and Business Managers, end Customers, etc.
  • Performance– The application should provide consistent and acceptable performance against identified user load scenarios. The application should provide ability for its performance to be monitored.
  • Analytics– The application should provide options for enabling and implementing analytics as well as supporting data visualization options needed for the analytics.
  • Risk Management– The application should provide alternatives to manage and control risk.
  • Integration– The application should provide options for integrating with underlying systems present in the bank using different protocols and message formats.
  • Security– The application should provide options to enable multiple levels of security based on the needs present at that point in time. Also the solution should have been tested and validated against common hacking techniques, such as Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Parameter Manipulation, etc.


  • Apps
  • Forms
  • Layouts
  • Workspaces
  • Communication Manager