- Sample code used for editing a record by Edit menu
- Sample code used for deleting a record by Delete menu
- Sample code used for editing a record by single-click on the grid row
- Sample code for editing a record
- Sample code for deleting a record
- Sample code for approving a record
CMHR.registerHandler("STATE_APPROVE", function(resp) {
var obj = {formId : "EMP_DETAILS_FORM", requestMode : "APPROVE", containerId : "EMP_DETAILS_FORM_CONT"};
canvas.modeler.requestEdit(obj, resp);
/* Here, STATE_APPROVE is the menu ID. On clicking Approve, the EMP_DETAILS_FORM is launched in a custom container (EMP_DETAILS_FORM_CONT) using the requestEdit API (Mode being APPROVE). The form displays the details of the row on which the right-click was performed.* This section will provide step by step procedure on editing requests post approval and pending for approval.
Refer the following pages:
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