Intellect Sigma is a Cloud Native Web Reporting product powered by the Canvas Technology Platform. Sigma enables the end-users to generate "on-the-fly" reports just by configuration. Using Sigma, you can generate reports in multiple formats, such as PDF, HTML, DOCX, XML, CSV, and XLS.Intellect’s CT-Sigma Data Enterprise Application, a key component of platform, helps customers in the journey of enabling “on-the-fly-report” creation, thereby significantly reducing time and cost. CT-Sigma helps the bank streamline, automate, and optimize reporting for their corporate customers
The following screen shot showcases the CT Sigma tech stack:
Supported Browser and Platforms:
The major release notes contain details of enhancements in the Sigma 23.1 release 24 release version.
Features in Sigma Studio
The newly introduced features in Sigma Studio, as part of this release, are listed as follows:
MT940 Template configuration in Studio
Sigma Studio enables you to connect with Amazon S3, a cloud-based object storage service where objects in the form of files or folders are stored within the buckets. Buckets are the containers, which comprise the stored objects. The stored objects can be viewed and downloaded from the buckets on the S3 cloud-based storage interface. Using Sigma, you can transfer the configured reports to the specific bucket, present in the S3 storage service.
For detailed information on establishing an Amazon S3 connection in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973899808.
Establishing a connection with Amazon SNS
Sigma enables you to connect with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for sending report notifications to report consumers. The appropriate E-Mail IDs of the customers or end users are stored in the form of Topics on the Amazon SNS notification delivery service. Using Sigma, you can send the status of the generated reports to your customers by establishing a connection with the SNS delivery mechanism in the AWS environment.
For detailed information on establishing an Amazon SNS connection in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973900369.
Applying the SQL Model for query-based data sources
Sigma enables you to apply the SQL Model method for the query-based data sources. The SQL Model is an optional field in the data source creation screen. You can make use of the SQL Model option to assign the default wrapping for the provided query statements. The two SQL Model types are: SQL Wrapper Model and SQL Without Wrapper Model. On selecting the SQL Wrapper Model, the wrapping of the query statements will take place and the filters applied for the queries will get wrapped automatically. This enables the applied filters to get invoked in a wrapped format. On selecting the SQL Without Wrapper Model, the wrapping of the query statement will not take place and it is essential that the filters and sorting are applied individually for each of the sub-queries, which are used within the main query statement. It is necessary that the applied filter and sort queries are individually invoked, so that the nested queries embedded with the relevant WHERE clause fetch the data in a proper way.
For detailed information on applying the SQL Model for the query-based data sources in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973892920.
Configuring the Applied Parameters for Reports
Sigma enables you to configure the applied parameters for the stored procedure and pre-hook procedure-based reports. With the Params Configuration option in the Report Maintenance tab on the Information Report screen, you can now assign individual rules and validations for the applied stored procedure parameters, which are used to configure the report. You can even apply the custom and default values for the applied procedure parameters, which could be used to fetch the data for the reports. Apart from the specific rules and validation, you can even assign the mandatory filters for the applied procedure parameters.
For detailed information on configuring the applied procedure parameters for reports, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973904273 and /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973903862.
Generating Forms for the Data Sources
Sigma enables you to generate forms for the configured data sources. Using the Generate Form option, you can generate forms for the configured data sources. The forms can be generated for the table, view and query-based data sources as well as the web service and JNDI-associated data sources. But the forms cannot be generated for the stored procedure data sources, as the Generate Form option does not support the creation of forms for the stored procedures.
For detailed information on generating forms for the configured data sources in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973892920.
Environment Options
Sigma enables you to configure the environment options for controlling the positions of the configured components in your end application and additionally, you can adjust the positions of the context menus, toast messages and other configurable actions which facilitate the application usage. Using Sigma Studio, the environment options can be easily configured in accordance with your needs and requirements. You can view the assigned values for controlling the positions of the configured components by accessing the browser console from the web page of the Sigma Application.
For detailed information on configuring the environment options in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973926260.
Configuring the Applied SQL Parameters for Reports
Sigma enables you to configure the applied SQL parameters for the reports. With the Params Configuration option in the Report Maintenance tab on the Information Report screen, you can now assign individual rules and validations for the applied SQL parameters, which are used to configure the report. You can even apply the custom and default values for the applied SQL parameters, which could be used to fetch the data for the reports. Apart from the specific rules and validations, you can even assign the mandatory filters for the applied SQL parameters.
For detailed information on configuring the applied SQL parameters for reports, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973904516.
Client Grouping
Sigma enables you to configure the clients into groups in Sigma Studio. The main benefit of Client Grouping is that several clients can be grouped together, thereby making it easier to generate reports that are for the clients in the group. Once several clients are grouped together, all reports for those clients in the group can be generated by executing the group instead of generating those reports separately.
For detailed information on configuring client groups in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973925010.
Compare Database Schemas
Sigma enables you to compare two database schemas in Sigma Studio. You can compare and synchronize two database schemas across two different environments, such as testing or UAT. You can compare both the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) changes between the two schemas and download the queries that pertain to the differences between the schemas.
For detailed information on configuring the compare database schemas options in Sigma Studio, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973901155.
View Report Filters in Generated Reports
Once the report is generated in Sigma Application (portal), you can now view the filters and their values that were used for report generation. To view the report filters, just click the report filters icon in the Generated Reports tab.
For detailed information on generating a report in Sigma Application, refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973926628.
Report Bursting
Sigma Studio users can now schedule and distribute reports to various clients. Report bursting enables you to schedule and distribute single or group report to multiple contacts and contact groups. Each recipient gets a subset of the report data related only to them.
For more detailed information refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973914561.
Sigma Audit Log History
Sigma Studio administrative users can view the users’ activity history during a specific time period in both Sigma Studio and Sigma Application.
For more detailed information refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973926421.
Criteria Grouping
In Sigma Studio, you can now:
Group the data-access criteria
Map the criteria groups to corporate clients
Apply the criteria groups in bursting to generate the client-specific reports
To know more detailed information refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973925337 and /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973925430.
More Information in Generated Reports Tab
Sigma Application users can now view more information about incremental reports and report schedules in the Generated Reports tab.
For detailed Information on viewing information about increment for an incremental report refer Generating Incremental Report.
For Detailed information on viewing reports refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973931241.
Join Types in Data Builder
Sigma enables you to aggregate different data sources using three types of join operations in Studio:
Equi Join - An Equi Join returns only the rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns in all the data sources.
Left Join - A Left Join returns all entries on the left data source and matching records from the right data source based on the key column.
Right Join - A Right Join returns all entries on the right data source and matching records from the left data source based on the key column.
For more details on configuring Joins in Data Builder refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973911370.
Conditional Drop-down Filters for Reports
Sigma Studio users can now configure Drop-down filter that display values based on another drop-down filter value.
For more details on configuring dropdown for the filters refer /wiki/spaces/S2/pages/2973903616.
Refer the following pages:
Page Tree
Client Customization
The user can customize the attributes, properties, and formats of the reports specific to clients by using the Client Customization option in Sigma Studio. By using this feature users can customize MT940 tags specific to the client.
Role-based feature mapping for Studio Admin
Sigma enables users to create role based feature mapping for the users through the Control Panel. On accessing SigmaStudio, the users can create, approve and view the studio components to which they are entitled. It is essential that the approval flow should be initiated to enable the approval privileges for that particular user.
Custom Report format in Studio
Apart from the default report formats offered by Sigma, users can also generate reports in the file format necessary to meet their specific business needs. By creating a custom report engine adapter, users can accomplish this functionality. This paves the way for users to add the required format in Studio.
Client Specific SMTP/SMS Connections in Studio
Sigma enables users to configure both SMTP and SMS connection types within the Studio. By providing sender credentials users can seamlessly share notifications via email or sms, ensuring timely and efficient dissemination of information.
Mapping user specific reports and criteria values using API data source.
Sigma provides the flexibility to read the entitled reports and entitled criteria values (e.g., accounts to be accessed) of the logged-in corporate user from existing configurations maintained in the core implementation products.
Configure the data sources to fetch the entitled reports and criteria values from implementation products in the form of the CT-Sigma required structure.
New String Functions for Excel Import in Studio
The Excel Import functionality in Studio has been enhanced with the introduction of several “String” data type functions. These new functions allow users to modify and manipulate string data directly in the Studio before importing them into the database. By utilizing these functions, users can ensure that their “String” data type is correctly formatted and standardized before importing into the database.
Masking/Separation of PII in the reports
Sigma now enables users to perform Masking and Separation of the PII (Personal Identifiable Information) in the reports, aimed at enhancing the data privacy and security. This feature ensures that the sensitive information is protected, mitigating risks associated with data breaches.
Enhanced New Formats in the reports
Sigma introduced new industry standard formats like JSON, XML, ISO, BAI2, and SAP Multicash. The user can create data in the necessary format and use it wherever it's needed by enabling these formats in Sigma reports.
Optimizing Schedule Start Time
In the Sigma application, end-users (Report Consumers) can edit the start time of the schedule. This helps in maintaining compliance, optimizing operations, and meeting business needs efficiently. By enabling users to edit the schedule start time, Sigma ensures easy reuse of configured schedulers, enhancing flexibility and productivity in managing reporting tasks.