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title | I am not able to view the log-on screen for Canvas Studio or the ModelHouse application |
There could be several reasons for this issue. Some of those are: - Ensure that all the Canvas schema scripts have been executed successfully. The scripts are dependent on the credentials given in the ‘config.txt’ file.
- Connect to each Canvas schema (MODEL, EXPERT, and WIZARD) in the Oracle SQL Developer and check if you are able to view the tables.
- Ensure the correct schema name and password, port number, and Oracle SID are specified in the respective app/web server configuration. Such configurations in Tomcat server are in the 'server.xml' that is located in the Tomcat folder, e.g. D:\Canvas\apache-tomcat-7.0.67\conf\server.xml.
- Stop and restart the Tomcat server and check if you are able to connect to Canvas applications.
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title | Which errors can be ignored in the CT logs? |
Following error patterns can be ignored: Code Block |
| [com.intellectdesign.canvas.validator.ValidationXMLParser][ERROR]
{[CTVAL00045]:Caught Exception in ParserWrapper.java. Method:
public ArrayList validateMessage(String $vType, String $fileName) throws ValidationException}
The resource provided 'SOME_PATH/req_modelerform_REQUEST_MODEL_ID_APPLICATION_PATH.xml' cannot be loaded
from classpath as well as file system |
Code Block |
| CTFDF00035 [com.intellectdesign.canvas.formdefinition.handler.PictureProcessHandler][ERROR]
{[CTFDF00035]:Error while Reading from file 'Default.png'} |
Code Block |
| CTRND00433 [com.intellectdesign.canvas.syncaction.SyncActionHelper][ERROR]
{[CTRND00433]:A Base Exception for moduleID 'SOME_MODULE_ID' for action 'SYNC_METADATA'.
This may be ignored as applications can choose to skip certain modules.} |
Code Block |
| java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList.sort(ArrayList.java:1464)
at java.util.Collections.sort(Collections.java:175)
at com.intellectdesign.canvas.viewdefinition.ViewDefinition.getViewDefinitionAsMap(ViewDefinition.java:168) |
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title | How to turn off scheduler when reporting capability in CT Platform is not used? |
To turn off the scheduler when the reporting capability in CT Platform is not needed, remove the value of the CT_INFO_REPORT_BUNDLE key in the CT configuration file (.properties file) in the application resources JAR inside the application WAR. Code Block |
language | bash |
linenumbers | true |
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title | What to do when multiple notifications are sent instead of one? |
Multiple emails get triggered even though only one entry in the table (OD_PENDING_MAIL) from where CT picks up records to be sent as email. In such cases refer these kind of errors found in the SystemOut.log (WebSphere log). WTRN0006W: Transaction {0} has timed out after {1} seconds
For example:
Code Block |
| WTRN0006W: Transaction 00000188D7CBD648000000455D953708CCA97D4013E3EDB45FD179E3597A7D478393378300000188D7CBD648000000455D953708CCA97D4013E3EDB45FD179E3597A7D478393378300000001 has timed out after 120 seconds |
Solution: Increase the total transaction lifetime timeout and maximum translation timeout in seconds. These settings can be updated through the WebSphere Application Server console, using Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > [Container Settings] Container Services > Transaction Service
- WTRN0037W: The transaction service encountered an error on an xa_recover operation. The resource was com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.spi.WSRdbXaResourceImpl@1f5b7ee3. The error code was XAER_RMERR.
Solution: Run the following commands as user SYS: Code Block |
| grant select on pending_trans$ to <user>;
grant select on dba_2pc_pending to <user>;
grant select on dba_pending_transactions to <user>;
grant execute on dbms_system to <user>; //If using Oracle or lower JDBC driver
grant execute on dbms_xa to <user>; //If using Oracle or higher JDBC driver |
In the above commands, <user> is the username configured in the Oracle datasource's authentication alias. Reference link : https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/exception-occurs-during-recovery-oracle-database-transactions
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