Once you create an Amazon SNS connection, you can proceed to configure the data source in Sigma Studio for sending e-mails on the generated status of the reports to the existing subscribers of a topic in the Amazon SNS email delivery service.
For sending e-mails on the generated status of the reports to the existing subscribers of a topic in the Amazon SNS email delivery service, perform the following steps:
- In Sigma Studio, right-click the created Amazon SNS connection and select the Create Data Source option.
Refer Connectors - Amazon SNS for more information on creating an Amazon SNS connection.
The Create New Data Source page appears. - Enter a unique data source name in the Data Source Name field, e.g. AMAZON SNS DS.
In the Topic Name field, provide the topic name present in the connected SNS delivery service, e.g. SNSCHECK.
Click Save to save the SNS data source.
When you try to exit the Data Source screen, before saving the configured SNS data source, a warning pop-up message appears, as shown in the following screen shot:
- Click Cancel, if you do not want to exit the Data Source screen.
- Click Ok, if you want to exit the Data Source screen.
A success message for creating the data source appears as shown in the following screenshot:Click Ok.
Once the SNS data source is created, you can proceed to configure a report based on your needs and requirements.Access the Information Report screen and configure the report with the relevant and appropriate configurations, as shown in the following screen shot:
For detailed information on creating reports, refer Configuring Reports.
- Click the Additional Info tab.
Click the Notification Channel drop-down list and select the SNS option.
Click the SNS option to select the SNS data source.
In the Notification Template Configuration pop-up, click the Data Source ID lookup field and select the SNS data source, e.g. AMAZON_SNS_DS.
By default, the Select Failure Notification checkbox is enabled. If the Select Failure Notification checkbox is enabled, then the SNS subscribers will receive an email on the status of the generated reports, which get failed in Sigma Application. On deselecting the Select Failure Notification checkbox, the SNS subscribers will not receive an e-mail, notifying the status of the failed reports in Sigma Application. You can assign the configured notification templates with success and failure messages for the SNS delivery service by selecting the configured notification templates from the Success Notification Template and the Failure Notification Template drop-down lists. For detailed information on configuring notification templates, refer Notification Templates.
- Once the report is configured with essential attributes, click Save to save the report.
Access the relevant report, e.g. ACCOUNT DETAILS in the Sigma Application and click Run to generate the report.
For detailed information on generating the reports in Sigma Application, refer Generating a Report in Sigma. Once the report gets generated, the status of the generated report will be notified in an email to the SNS subscribers, who have subscribed to the topic for the SNS email delivery service in the AWS portal.
The status of the generated report is displayed as Published to Repository in Sigma Application.Published to Repository indicates the successful generation of the report. For detailed information on the report status messages, refer Report Generation Status Messages.
The SNS subscribers who have subscribed to the SNSCHECK topic for the SNS delivery service in the AWS portal are displayed, as shown in the following sample screen shot:
The contents of the notified email, received by the SNS subscribers on the status of the generated report in Sigma Application, are displayed, as shown in the following sample screen shot:
The fetched data of the ACCOUNT DETAILS report is displayed in the PDF file, as shown in the following screen shot: