Operation execution related to data

A typical operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Opening or fetching a connection
  2. Identifying or preparing the query to execute
  3. Preparing or adding all the dynamic parameters in the query
  4. Executing the query or DML
  5. Retrieving the result set (as appropriate)
  6. Converting the result into appropriate data structure or DTO
  7. Exception handling or clean up of the resources (like closing statements, connections, etc.)

A Data Access Layer already provides an abstraction for many of these aspects, but does it in their own specific manner. The DAF breaks the operational steps across the following key entities:

These classes effectively model the entire code sequence orpattern that a developer typically uses. All of them are within the package – com.intellectdesign.canvas.database. Now, let us look into each of these classes and their features.

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