Custom Toast Message
canvas.toastMessageManager.showCustomToastMessage is the custom API method to show any type of message within a fully customized Toast message to the user.
The developer can configure the following parameters for this API:
API Parameter | Description | Sample Value |
text | Indicates the message that is to be displayed within the toast message. | KYC |
heading | Indicates the header text for the toast message. | Please update your Aadhar details |
showHideTransition | Indicates the type of transition effect. This parameter can have the following values:
The default value for this parameter is fade. | fade |
allowToastClose | Indicates whether the toast message will be displayed with a close option or not. This parameter can have the following values:
The default value for this parameter is true. | true |
hideAfter | Indicates the time duration for the toast message. The value for this parameter must be provided in milli-seconds. | 5000 |
loader | Indicates whether the toast message will be displayed with a load mask or not. This parameter can have the following values:
The default value for this parameter is true. The load mask for the toast message indicates the time duration of the toast message. | false |
loaderBg | Indicates the background color for the load mask. The value for the background color should be specified as Hexadecimal. | #9EC601 |
position | Indicates the position of the toast message on the screen. | top-right |
bgColor | Indicates the background color for the toast message. The value for the background color should be specified as Hexadecimal. | #000000 |
textColor | Indicates the text color of the toast message. The value for the color should be specified as Hexadecimal. | #fff |
textAlign | Indicates the text alignment of the message content within the toast message. This parameter can have the following values:
The default value for this parameter is left. | left |
icon | Indicates the icon for the toast message. | info |
beforeShow | Indicates the event that can be triggered right before the toast is about to appear. | config.beforeShow=function() { launchObjects_create_tickets = { "formId" : "FORM_DEF1", "renderType" : 'WINDOW' } canvas.launch(launchObjects_create_tickets); } |
Indicates the event that can be triggered after the toast appears. | config.afterShown=function() { launchObjects_create_tickets = { "formId" : "FORM_DEF1", "renderType" : 'WINDOW' } canvas.launch(launchObjects_create_tickets); } |
 If no values are provided for the API parameters mentioned in the above table, then the default values will be considered for execution.
Unlike the other API methods, the values for this API's parameters have to be passed as objects.
Example - Declaring the objects:
var config = canvas.toastMessageManager.defaultConfig config.heading = 'KYC' config.text = "Please update your Aadhar details" config.showHideTransition = 'slide' config.allowToastClose = false config.hideAfter = 5000 config.loader = false config.loaderBg = '#9EC600' config.position = 'top-right' config.bgColor = '#000000' config.textColor = '#fff' config.textAlign = 'left' config.icon = 'info'
Example - API:
Figure 7: Custom Toast Message - Mobile
Figure 8: Custom Toast Message - Desktop