Apple ID

Apple ID

You need an Apple ID to access Apple services, such as App Store, iTunes, and many more. If you already have a valid Apple ID, you can proceed to the Installations section.

To create your new Apple ID, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Safari browser.

  2. In the Safari address bar, enter developer.apple.com and press Enter.

    The Apple Developer home page appears.

  3. On the Apple Developer page, click Member Center.

    The Apple Developer Log In page appears.

  4. Click Create Apple ID.

    The Create Your Apple ID page appears.

  5. Enter your email address as the user name in the first field.
  6. Enter the password in the password and reconfirm password fields.
  7. Enter your first name and last name in the respective fields.
  8. Enter your date of birth in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
  9. Choose three security questions and enter the corresponding answers in the respective fields.
  10. Select your country from the Country drop-down list.
  11. Enter the CAPTCHA code in the respective field.
  12. Click Continue.

    A verification code is sent to your email address.
  13. Open your email account and note down the Apple ID verification code.
  14. Enter the verification code in the respective fields and click Verify.

    The Apple Developer Log In page appears.

  15. Enter your user name (your email) and password in the respective fields and click Sign In.
    The Apple Developer home page appears.
  16. Click Member Center.

    The Apple Developer Agreement page appears.

  17. Scroll down the page and select the check box to agree to the terms.
  18. Click Submit.

    The Member Center home page appears.

 Refer Installations for Setting Up CMBS for more details.