Apple ID
Apple ID
You need an Apple ID to access Apple services, such as App Store, iTunes, and many more. If you already have a valid Apple ID, you can proceed to the Installations section.
To create your new Apple ID, perform the following steps:
- Open Safari browser.
- In the Safari address bar, enter developer.apple.com and press Enter.
The Apple Developer home page appears. - On the Apple Developer page, click Member Center.
The Apple Developer Log In page appears. - Click Create Apple ID.
The Create Your Apple ID page appears. - Enter your email address as the user name in the first field.
- Enter the password in the password and reconfirm password fields.
- Enter your first name and last name in the respective fields.
- Enter your date of birth in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Choose three security questions and enter the corresponding answers in the respective fields.
- Select your country from the Country drop-down list.
- Enter the CAPTCHA code in the respective field.
- Click Continue.
A verification code is sent to your email address. - Open your email account and note down the Apple ID verification code.
- Enter the verification code in the respective fields and click Verify.
The Apple Developer Log In page appears. - Enter your user name (your email) and password in the respective fields and click Sign In.
The Apple Developer home page appears. - Click Member Center.
The Apple Developer Agreement page appears. - Scroll down the page and select the check box to agree to the terms.
- Click Submit.
The Member Center home page appears.
Refer Installations for Setting Up CMBS for more details.