Even though Canvas offers a default authentication provider, you can use other authentication provider, such as ARX, to authenticate users and validate their entitlement.
Perform the following steps to setup an implementation-specific log-on sequence:
- Create a custom authentication provider by implementing the Java Interface, IAuthenticationServiceProvider. See the sample custom authentication provider for reference.
Mention the custom authentication provider to Canvas framework by providing a value for the AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS key in the securityconfig.properties file.
# The following key indicates the authentication provider that is to # be used during log-in, log-out or re-authentication purposes. AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS=com.intellectdesign.app.smartbank.servlets.login.SmartBankAuthenticationProvider # Here, SmartBankAuthenticationProvider.java is the custom authentication provider class.
Create a custom validate class by implementing the Java interface, IEntitlementSource. See the sample custom validate class for reference.
Mention the custom validate class to Canvas framework by providing a value for the VIEW_ENTITLEMENT_CLASS key in the implclassconfig.properties file.
# The following key indicates the class that validates the users' entitlement. VIEW_ENTITLEMENT_CLASS=com.intellectdesign.app.smartbank.servlets.entitilements.SmartBankViewEntitlement # Here, SmartBankViewEntitlement.java is the custom entitlement validation class.
Retrieve the users' log-in ID and password using the request.getParameter method and set those to uservalue in the extractLoginParameters method in Login Servlet.
private IUserValue extractLoginParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { UserValue userValue = new UserValue(); String userName = (request.getParameter("ctLoginID")).trim(); String password = request.getParameter("loginPSW"); // Set the login Id into the User Value userValue.setLoginId(userName); // Set the simulation model flag in the user Value String isSimulationMode = request.getParameter("isSimulated"); if (isSimulationMode != null && "true".equals(isSimulationMode)) { userValue.setSimulated(true); userValue.setSimulatingUserNo(request.getParameter("simulatingUserNo")); } // Set the password into the user value userValue.setUserPin(password); String checkSumValue = userName + "-" + password + "-" + "INTELLECT_SMARTBANK"; String checkSum = null; try { checkSum = generateSHA256(checkSumValue, userName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } userValue.setRSATokenSerialNo(checkSum); return userValue; }
Get the users' log-in ID and password from uservalue and pass those to authentication service in authenticateUser method in the custom authentication provider class. Also, set the setStatusFlag as E if response code is 200.
public void authenticateUser(IUserValue uValue) throws AuthenticationException { Map customSSOProperties = uValue.getCustomSSOProperties(); String userName = (String) uValue.getLoginId(); String password = (String) uValue.getUserPin(); String checksum = (String) uValue.getRSATokenSerialNo(); if (checksum != null) { try { URL url = new URL("" + userName + "," + password + "," + checksum + ""); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); int response = conn.getResponseCode(); if (response == 200) { // Add SSO properties using Canvas thread local, which will be // internally used by entitlements to fetch user and // entitlement details from third party application. CanvasThreadLocal.put("ssoProperties", customSSOProperties); uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.success.name()); uValue.setStatusFlag("E"); String info = "User name is validated successfully."; uValue.setInfo(info); } else if (response == 705) { uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.failure.name()); uValue.setInfo("Invalid User Name."); } else { uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.failure.name()); uValue.setInfo("Error while validating the user name."); } } catch (NumberFormatException | IOException e) { logger.cterror("FAUTHG001", e); throw new AuthenticationException(e); } } else if (uValue.getUserPin() != null && uValue.getUserPin() != null) { List resultList = null; DatabaseRequest dbRequest = new CanvasDatabaseRequest(); try { dbRequest.setDataAccessMapKey("USER_PWD_CHECK"); dbRequest.setOperation(DatabaseConstants.SELECT); dbRequest.setOperationExtension("ENCRYPT"); dbRequest.addFilter("OD_USER_PWD", uValue.getUserPin()); dbRequest.addFilter("OD_LOGIN_ID", uValue.getLoginId()); resultList = dbRequest.execute().getReturnedList(); HashMap tmpMap; if (null != resultList && !resultList.isEmpty()) { tmpMap = (HashMap) resultList.get(0); String count = (String) tmpMap.get("COUNT"); if ("0".equals(count)) { uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.failure.name()); uValue.setInfo("Invalid User Credentials"); uValue.setInvalidCred(true); } else { uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.success.name()); uValue.setStatusFlag("E"); String info = "User Profile has been successfully Registered"; uValue.setInfo(info); } } } catch (Exception e) { uValue.setTransactionStatus(IAuthenticationServiceProvider.Status.failure.name()); } } else { logger.cterror("FAUTHG002"); throw new AuthenticationException("User ticket is not available in SSO properties."); } }
Set values for the following mandatory user details in the getUserDetails method in the custom validate class (View Entitlement class). Following code snippet contains sample values for reference:
uValue.setUserNo("8632"); uValue.setPrimaryGcif("8HIG1002"); uValue.setTransactionStatus(LoginMasterConstants.STATUS_SUCCESS); uValue.setFIRST_NAME("UPENDRA"); uValue.setLAST_NAME("singh"); uValue.setLoginId("8600537541"); uValue.setStatusFlag("E");
The following steps are necessary in cases where the log-on page is part of the application and you need to validate it in the custom authentication provider. If the log-on sequence is outside the application (e.g. in ARX), you do not have the perform the following steps.
- Create a custom servlet class by implementing the Java interface, HttpServlet. See the sample servlet class for reference.
Add entry to the custom servlet in the web.xml file.
<servlet> <servlet-name>PortalLoginServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.intellectdesign.app.smartbank.servlets.login.SmartBankLoginServlet</servlet-class> </servlet>
- Restart the servers and access your application.