Configuring CT Implementation Data Source

Configuring CT Implementation Data Source

Perform the following steps to configure CT Implementation Data Source:

  1. Create a New JDBC Data Source.
  2. Go to mydomain > Services > Data Sources.

  3. Select New > Generic Data Source.

  4. Enter the values as shown in the following table:

    Field Name




    JDBC Data Source-1

    Name of the CT implementation data source

    JNDI Name


    Database Type


  5. Click Next.
  6. Select values for the fields as mentioned in the following table:

    Field Name



    Database Driver

    *Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Service Connections; Versions: Any

  7. Click Next. Select the Emulate Two-Phase Commit radio button.

  8. Click Next to configure the Connection Properties.
  9. Enter the values as mentioned in the following table:

    Field Name

    Value to be Selected (sample values shown)



    Database / SID name: SIR08875

    Database name in which the DB schema for CT Implementation is created.

    Host NameIP Address / Host name: value is the Hostname / IP address of the Database server.
    PortPort Number: 1521The port number allocated for the Database communication for the IP / host name.
    Database User NameDB Schema Name: CT_MODEL_HOUSEDatabase schema name that is created for CT Implementation.
    Password DBSchema password: **************Database schema password for CT Implementation.
    Confirm PasswordDB Schema password: **************Database schema password for CT Implementation.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Test configuration to test the database availability and the connection properties that you have provided.

  12. Once the test is successful, the following message will appear:

  13. Click Next to select the Target server.
  14. Select the required target server. Here, AdminServer is chosen as an example.

  15. After verifying the changes, click Finish.