This is a special dialog box, which can accept the property driven text or plain text but the buttons appear can be any one of the following style:
The typical structure of the message dialog is:
var Custom_Win = new canvas.Dialog({title : 'TITLE', dialogType : 'USERDEFINED', message : 'Detailed message', dialogStyle:[ 'YES_NO' | 'OK_CANCEL'|'YES_NO_CANCEL'|'PRINT_CLOSE' ], okHandler : function () { //Corresponding handlers } });
Refer the following sample dialog for its usage:
var confWin = new canvas.Dialog({title : 'Error', dialogType : 'USERDEFINED', message : 'Detailed message', dialogStyle:'YES_NO', yesHandler : function () { var selRecord=record[0].data; var utilObj=new cbx.form.listeners.registeredUtility(); utilObj.utilRegisteredDelete(selRecord); confWin.close(); }, noHandler : function () { confWin.close(); } });