Canvas enables you to make use of Action Configuration for triggering the launch types of Publish and Subscribe. The relevant data for a particular record can be easily fetched in a feasible manner, by using the Publish and Subscribe launch types. Consider the following sample scenario as a referencean example:
In the functional application (e.g. Modelhouse), the data from the widget of the Beneficiary List widget gets displayed.
- Click a record (row) categorized under the column of the account number under the Beneficiary Account No column.
The transaction data , pertaining to the selected record will appear of the respective account appears as a pop-up . The in the Tran Summary widget as shown in the following screen shot. To achieve such a functionality, the Publish launch type is must be enabled for the widget of Beneficiary List widget and the Subscribe launch type has been applied for Tran Summary Widget, ensuring that the relevant data, associated with the selected record gets displayed in an apt way. The following screen shot displays the data of the selected record: must be enabled for the Tran Summary widget.
Let's assume that two different data sources for two different widgets have already been fetch the beneficiary data and the transaction data are already created in Canvas Studio. For the full set of detailed information on creating a data source, refer Create a DB Data Source - 19.1. It is also assumed that the two widgets of the Beneficiary List and Tran Summary have been widgets are already created in Canvas Studio. For the full set of detailed information on creating apps (widgets), refer Creating App and Steps to Create Apps.
Configure Publish for Beneficiary List Widget
To trigger the launch type of Publish using Action Configuration in Canvas Studio, perform the following steps:
- On the App Designer page, hover the mouse on the Beneficiary List Widget widget and click the Action Configuration icon.
The Action Configuration page appears. - Click the Event drop-down list and select the event of the rowclick event.
- Click the Launch Type drop-down list and select Publish.
- Click the Configuration iconto configure the Publish Field List.
The Publish Field List page appears. - On the Publish Field List page, click App on the left navigation pane.
- Click the Data drop-down list and choose the relevant column, e.g. BENE_ACC_NO.
- Click the On Complete drop-down list and select the option, Launch.
- Click the Launch Type drop-down list and select the option, Launch Widget in Modal Window.
- Click the Search Icon on the Source Widget search box and select the relevant widget (app), e.g. TRAN SUMMARY.
- Select the Modal Type as Modal.
- If you want to enable scrolling for the data that gets displayed, click the toggle of the Content Scrollableto toggle to enable it.
- Once the proceedings are completed, click Save.
- On the Action Configuration page, click Save.
A confirmation message, indicating a successful save, appears. - Click Ok.
Configure Subscribe for Transaction Summary Widget
To trigger the launch type of Subscribe using Action Configuration, perform the following steps:
- On the App Designer page, hover the mouse on the Tran Summary Widget widget and click the Action Configuration icon.
- On the Action Configuration page, click Event drop-down list and select the the ctappbeforeinitialize event of ctappbeforeinitialize.
- Click the Launch Type drop-down list and select Subscribe.
- Click the Launch Type drop-down list and select Subscribe.
- Click the Configuration icon to configure the Subscribe Field List.
On the Subscribe Field List page, click App on the left navigation pane.
- Click the Search Icon on the Source Widget and select the relevant widget, e.g. Beneficiary List.
- Click the Data drop-down list and choose the relevant column, e.g. BENE_ACC_NO.
- Click the selected column, Bene_ACC_NO, adjacent to the Data drop-down list.
A pop-up appears. - Click the Event drop-down list and select the event, all.
- Click the Filter Operator drop-down list and select strEquals.
- In the Value field, type the name of the selected column, e.g. BENE_ACC_NO.
- To enable the selected values as mandatory values, click the Mandatory toggle to enable it.
- Once the proceedings get completed, close Close the pop-up. The data gets saved automatically.
Click Save to save the configured data.
- On the Action Configuration page, click Save.
A confirmation message, indicating a successful save, appears. - Click Ok.
In the functional application (e.g. Modelhouse), the data from the widget of Beneficiary List widget gets displayed. - Click the first record (row) categorized under the column of the Beneficiary Account No column.
A pop-up appears, comprising the relevant data of the selected record from the source widget of TRAN SUMMARY.