When a request is submitted, the system puts it through the authorization process where the levels of authorization required is determined and delegated for that particular request. For detailed information on the levels of authorization, refer Authorization.
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To approve a request or micro-flow, perform the following steps:
- Log on to the web application with the credentials of the Admin User, entitled with the approval and rejection privileges.
- Access the workspace to which the Activity Summary app is mapped, e.g. TFD FLOW.
- In the Activity Summary app, under Library Maintenance, click the Pending tab to view the pending requests.
- Hover the mouse of the right side of the pending request and click Approve/Reject option.
- Hover the mouse of the right side of the pending request and click Approve/Reject option.
- Check and verify the entered details in the request.
- To approve the request, click Approve, whereas to reject the request, click Reject. On clicking Cancel, the Authorize Request window gets closed.
- To approve the request, click Approve, whereas to reject the request, click Reject. On clicking Cancel, the Authorize Request window gets closed.
- Type the comments of your choice in the Approval Comments field and click Submit.
A confirmation message, indicating a successful approval of the request, appears. - Click Ok.