Here is a short video that explains how to create a request using Request Modeler.

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nameRequest Modeler.mp4


A brief overview on creating a micro-flow (request) in Canvas Studio is provided as follows:

  1. In Canvas Studio, click Create > Request.
  2. In the Create New Request page, provide a unique name in the Request ID and Request Display Name fields.


  1. Note

    No blank spaces and special characters should be used in the Request ID field. The underscore symbol can be used.


  1.  Select the relevant Service Type and Request Type
  2. In the Resource bundle field, provide the bundle key of the associated property file. 
  3. Select the appropriate Request Mode and Request Category
  4. Click the Connection lookup field and select the


  1. connection of your choice. 

  2. Provide the appropriate entitlements to Initiate, Approve and Enquire options in the Entitlement Details section. 
  3. Click Add Table option and select the table of your choice. 
  4. In the Validation JSON field, enter {}, in case, if no validation syntax in JSON format is involved. 
  5. Click Save to save the request. 
  6. In the Workspace Menu Selection page, click the Workspace ID field and select the workspace of your choice. 
  7. Click Save to save the workspace menu selection. 

Alternatively you can refer the following section for step by step procedure for the same.
Let's see how to create a The step-by-step procedure to create a new micro-flow or request using the Request Modeler in Canvas Canvas Studio is listed as follows:

  1. On the home page of Canvas Studio, click Create >Request.

  2. In the Create New Request page, enter a unique name in the Request ID field, e.g. ADD_BENEFICIARY


    No blank spaces and special characters should be used in the Request ID field. The underscore symbol can be used.

    1. Enter a unique name in the Request display name field, e.g. ADD BENEFICIARY
    2. In Service Type, select the Database option. 
    3. In Request Type, select the Admin option. 
    4. In the Resource Bundle field, enter the name of the bundle key associated with the property file, e.g. common.
    5. In Request Mode, select the Public option. 
    6. Click the Request Category drop-down and select the LIBRARY option. 
    7. Provide a meaningful description for the Request in the Description field, e.g. ADD BENEFICIARY

  3. Click the Connection lookup field to select a connection. 

  4. In the Connections screen, double-click the connection, e.g. NEW CONNECTION.  

    The selected connection appears in the Connection field. 

  5. In the Entitlement Details section, select the relevant Product, Sub-Product and Function Codes for the respective Function Categories of Initiate, Approve and Enquiry. For detailed information on Product, Sub-Product and Function Codes, refer Configuring Entitlements and Creating Product, Sub-Product and Function Codes.

  6. To add a table, click the Add Table option. 

  7. In the Select Table screen, click> Table > Contains.

  8. In the Search field, type the matching words of the table, which is to be selected, e.g. bene

    The table, consisting of the name, "bene" appears. The selected table is demo_bene_data, which consists of the various details, pertaining to different beneficiaries. 
  9. Double-click the demo_bene_data table. 

    The Table Details screen appears. 

  10. Click the Summary Columns drop-down list and select the appropriate summary columns, e.g. BENE_ID, BENE_NAME and BENE_ACC_NO
    1. Click the Business Key drop-down list and select an appropriate business key, e.g. CURRENCY

    2. Click Save

    You can even select multiple options as Business Keys based on your needs and requirements.

  11. In the Create New Request screen, enter {} in the Validation JSON field. 


    The Additional Params field is optional. If any additional parameters and customized publisher classes are involved, then you can make use of the Additional Params field. The Validation JSON is a mandatory field. In general, a pair of flower brackets {} should be used, if no validation syntax in JSON format is involved. 

  12. Click Save to save the request. 

    On saving the request, the Workspace Menu Selection page appears. 

  13. Click the Workspace Id lookup field to select a workspace, e.g. ACCOUNTSUMMARYDETAILS_WS

  14. Click Save

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save, appears. 

  15. Click Ok