Creating Product, Sub-Product, Function Codes

Creating Product, Sub-Product, Function Codes

To create Product, Sub-Product and Function Codes for an entitlement, perform the following steps in Canvas Studio:

  1. On the home page of Canvas Studio, click Create > Entitlement.

    The Role Mapping page appears.

  2. Click icon, adjacent to the Product Code drop-down list.

    The Entitlement Mapping window appears.

  3. Click icon, adjacent to the Select Product drop-down list.

    The Product Sub Product Master window appears.

  4. Enter the appropriate Product Code in the Product Code field, e.g. CTUSER.
    1. Enter the appropriate Sub Product Code in the Sub Product Code field, e.g. CTUSER.

  5. Click Save.


    Product and Sub Product Codes cannot be modified or deleted.

    A confirmation message appears, indicating a successful save.

  6. Click Ok.
  7. On the Entitlement Mapping page, click icon, adjacent to the Select Function drop-down list.

    The Function Master window appears.

  8. Enter the appropriate Function code in the Function code field, e.g. VISIBILITY.
    1. Proceed to click Save.

    Function Code cannot be modified or deleted.

    A confirmation message appears, indicating a successful save.

  9. Click Ok.
  10. On the Entitlement Mapping page, click the Select Product drop-down list and select CTUSER.

  11. Click the Select Sub Product drop-down list and select CTUSER.

  12. Click the Select Function drop-down list and select VISIBILITY.

  13. To save the entitlement mapping, click Save.


    The mapped entitlements can be used in accordance with the requirements of the user, while creating apps, workspaces (dashboards) and layouts (sub-workspaces). However, the mapped entitlements cannot be modified or deleted.

    A confirmation message appears, indicating a successful save.

  14. Click Ok.