Integrating ARX with Canvas Studio
Perform the following steps to integrate Intellect ARX with Canvas Studio:
Open the Canvas Studio Resource JAR file in the Canvas Studio WAR deployed in the app server:
Open the file.
Mention the ARX application URL in ARX_URL:
# Sample ARX url ARX_URL =
Mention the Sigma URL in APPLICATION_URL:
APPLICATION_URL = http://<IP or hostname>:<port>/sigma # Sample Sigma URL, http://localhost:9080/sigma
Open the file.
Check that ARXCookieBasedAuthenticationProvider class filename is uncommented. This is the default authentication provider that is to be used during log-on, logout or re-authentication purposes.
# AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS = com.canvas.provider.authentication # AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS = com.intellectdesign.canvas.authentication.providers.CTAuthenticationProvider # If ARX 16 version is used, then update as follows: AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS=com.intellectdesign.canvas.provider.auth.arx.arx_16.ARXCookieBasedAuthenticationProvider # If ARX 18 version is used, then update as follows: AUTH_SERV_PROV_CLASS=com.intellectdesign.canvas.provider.auth.arx.arx_18.ARXCookieBasedAuthenticationProvider
Open the file.
Check that ArxRoleBasedViewEntitlement class filename is uncommented.
Note that the default user role Canvas Studio is CTSTUDIOGRP. However, you can define custom user role, refer Creating Roles for more information.
Access Canvas Studio by entering the following URL in the browser’s address bar: