The View Config tab holds the configurations that are applicable to the Org Chart App View. Configure the View Configurations based on the description provided in the following table:

  1. Caching:


    Field Name


    Sample Value



    Enable Data Cache

    Enable this option for scenarios where the underlying data source cannot support dynamic filter, sort, and group requests and can only return complete data set. This pulls the data from data source into an in-memory cache and performs all operations on the in-memory cache. Care must be taken when enabling this option to ensure that sizing based on usage needs are considered / factored before this is enabled.
    Toggle on: Cache data from data source prior to processing.

    Toggle off: Gets data from data source.

    Toggle on


    Caching Scope

    When Cache Data Indicator is 'Yes' enables the Caching Scope option.

    App Instance: Indicate that caching from data source must be done for every instance of the App. This means that there will be more requests to the data source for every time the user navigates to the App across workspaces.

    User Session: Indicates that the caching from data source is done at the Session level. This reduces the number of hits to the data source. This option must not be used for cases where within a session; the user does some activity and expects the cached data to change.

    App Instance

  2. Organization Chart Configuration:


    Field Name


    Sample Value

    Organization Chart Configuration


    Is Searchable

    The Is Searchable option paves the way for the enablement of performing searches. 

    Toggle on: Enables to perform a search. 

    Toggle off: No search can be performed. 

    Toggle on


    Expand Initially

    Expand Initially paves the way for complete expansion at the very first instance. It provides a fully expanded view. 

    Toggle on: Enables the expanded view. 

    Toggle off: Disables the expanded view. 


    If Expand Initially is disabled, then the initial view of data doesn't expand on its own. 

    Toggle on


    Represents the text directions. 

    Top - Bottom - Indicates the text direction of Top - Bottom.

    Left - Right - Indicates the text direction of Left - Right.

    Right - Left - Indicates the text direction of Right - Left.

    Top - Bottom

  3. Context Menu

    Context menus are the pop-up menus that appear when right-clicking the apps. Usually the context menus are created for the record manipulation activities.


    The context actions triggered using the context menu will enforce entitlement enabling a direct context to the logged-in user against the data they are viewing and the actions they can perform on the data.


    Field Name


    Sample Value

    Context Menu


    Enable Context Menu

    Toggle on: Switch on the toggle to enable context menu for the grid.
    Toggle off: Switch off the toggle if you do not want to enable context menu.

    Toggle on

    2Enable Swipe Context Menu

    Toggle on: Switch on the toggle to enable swipe context menu for the grid.
    Toggle off: Switch off the toggle if you do not want to enable swipe context menu.


    Swipe Context Menu is applicable only for mobiles and tablets. 

    Toggle on

    Add New

    Click Add New to add new context menu or swipe context menu.


    On clicking the Add New button, the configurations for the context menu appears as shown in the following screen shot. Provide the configuration for the new context menu based on the information available in the following table:
    Image Removed
    Image Added


    Field Name


    Sample Values


    Menu Id

    This is a mandatory field. Menu ID serves as a unique ID for the context menu. 



    Menu Display Name Key

    This is a mandatory field. Menu Display Name Key can be termed as label key of the localized text, which will appear as Menu Name.


    3PositionThis is an optional field. It denotes the position of the context menu.1

    Event Id

    This is an optional field. It denotes a unique Event ID, which will be initiated on click of the menu.



    Context Type

    Image RemovedImage Added

    This is a mandatory field. It denotes the type of Context menu, which must appear on the screen. The available options are:

    • MENU
    • ICON
    • APP
    • BUTTON


    56Dialog size

    This is a mandatory field. It indicates the dialog size of the form or form container that appears on the screen, based on the selection of Launch Type. The available options are: 

    • Small 
    • Medium 
    • Large 
    • Extra Large



    App Widget Id

    This is an optional field. Indicates the Context App to be shown automatically when the current menu is clicked. 
    This option is applicable only when the Context Type is 'APP'.


    78Launch Type

    This is an optional field. On clicking the context menu, a form with or without containers gets launched in modal window. The option ‘PUBLISH’ enables to submit or publish the relevant information. The available options are:

    • Launch form without Container in Modal Window - This launch type enables the form to be launched without a container.
    • Launch form with Container in Modal Window - This launch type allows the form to be launched along with a container.
    • Publish -This launch type paves the way for publishing the information of relevant fields.

    Config serves as an action button. If Launch Type is involved, then Config certainly becomes mandatory.


    You will be able to select form containers only if you choose the option of Launch Form with Container in Modal Window in Launch Type drop-down list. If the Launch Type is Launch Form without Container in Modal Window, then you will be able to select only forms.

    1. Click Config to select forms and form containers.
    2. From the list of forms, select a form of your choice. 


      The form which you select, must be relevant to the data of the org chart. 

    910Req Model IDThis is an optional field. It indicates the Request Model ID of the Form.-


    Image Modified

    This is an optional field. It indicates the type of mode. 


    If you don’t choose any mode type, then depending on the launch type, a form with or without container gets created. In case, if the launch type involves Publish, then the information associated with the relevant fields will get published.

    The available options are: 

    • EDIT - Enables the user to modify or edit the form.
    • VIEW - The user can only view the form and there is no scope for performing any actions.


    1112Applicable for

    This is a mandatory field. Indicates the channels, for which the menu is applicable. The available options are:

    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet

    1213Block Position

    This is a mandatory field. Indicates the Swipe Position in Mobiles and Tablets. This option appears only if Enable Swipe Context Menu is selected. The available options are:

    • Left
    • Right


    Indicates the label key of the localized text, which is assigned as the name of the context menu. 

    Selected: The label key will appear.

    De-Selected: The label key will not appear. 


    This option allows you to choose an icon for the context menu. 

    Selected: The icon will appear. 

    De-Selected: The icon will not appear. 

    To select an icon for context menu, perform the following steps: 

    1. Click the icon Image Modifiedon the left side of the newly created context menu, e.g. UPDATE PREFERENCES

    Image Modified

    A screen, comprising of various icons appears.  

    Image Modified

    2. Default, Active and Disabled are the three available options, categorized under the field, Choose icons for different state. To find an icon, type the name of the icon in the Search box to find it. You can assign separate icons for the three different states of Default, Active and Disabled. Default indicates the default icon of the context menu, whereas Active and Disabled depict the active and disabled states of the context menu respectively. 

    Image Modified

    3. For customized icons, click Custom tab.   

    Image Modified

    4. Click Browse Files button to select an image from your local drive. You can even drag and drop the customized image file directly. 

    Image Modified

    5. After selecting the image, provide unique names for Class Tag and Search Tag. The Image Name gets assigned automatically. In case, if you wish to change the Image Name, then you can modify it. The name, which you provide in Search Tag, will be detrimental, when you perform a search. Use the name, provided in the Search Tag to find the customized icon.  Click Ok to upload the customized icon. 


    If you upload a customized icon for the context menu, ensure that you restart the app server, after saving the app (widget). Make sure to log out from Canvas Studio and close the Studio application, before restarting the app server. If you do not restart the app server, the uploaded custom icon will not appear as the assigned icon for the selected context menu.

    Image Modified

    6. To edit the configurations of the context menu, click Image Modifiedicon, whereas to delete the context menu, click Image Modifiedicon. Click Image Modifiedicon to create a new context menu, which will be categorized under the recently created one. 

    Image Modified



    Click Create to create the context menu.