You can create incremental reports by just making use of simple and efficient configurations in Sigma Studio. Incremental reports are the reports which fetch the data for the particular period of time based on the selected criteria of the particular time or period. Instead of fetching the whole set of data for the report, the new set of data for a selected period of time can be fetched by configuring incremental reports. You can even schedule incremental reports on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis as per your needs and requirements.
For detailed information on creating incremental reports, refer Creating Incremental Reports.
Delegation Mode
Sigma enables you to select your different corporate customers with the usage of Delegation Mode. You can create various corporate customers on the basis of your needs and requirements. Once you create your own set of various corporate customers, you can create individual application users for each of your corporate customers. Each of the individual application users associated with their respective corporates can log on to the Sigma Application and view as well as generate or schedule the reports that are assigned to them.
For detailed information on delegation mode, refer Delegation Mode.