Canvas has introduced a capability to transform data from an inline spread sheet to a data source that is relevant for your application. You can import tabular data present in a spread sheet using File Import feature and convert those as data source automatically, process the data if required and render the data into your application. This data can be rendered as widgets such as charts, grids etc. You can therefore create widgets from spread sheets by loading the data into the database.
Note: The following requisites are to be considered before file import. - The file formats currently supported are XLS, XLSX, and CSV.
- If your spread sheet has multiple sheets, the Canvas Studio imports only the first sheet of it.
- Duplication of column headers is not allowed since no two identical columns can be created.
- Data Grouping, Formulas, Macros embedded in the spread sheet will not reflect in the imported data. However to achieve this, you can specify rules in the Advanced configuration section.
- The spread sheet up to 25MB can be imported smoothly into Canvas Studio.
- By default all the data are imported as strings. If the data type needs to be changed, you can do so in the Advanced configuration section, that is discussed in the document.