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Using Evaluators (Rules) in a Workflow

To use evaluators (rules) in a workflow, perform the following steps in Canvas Studio:

  1. On the home page of Canvas Studio, click Create > Workflow.


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    The Create Workflow page appears.


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    The automatic presence of the Start symbol enables the user to initiate the creation of a workflow. Start denotes the beginning of the workflow.

  2. Assign relevant State, Action and Activity to the workflow. For detailed information on Start, State, Action and Activity, refer Creating a Workflow. To use a workflow as a Request Category in Request Modeler, refer Using Workflow as a Request Category in Request Modeler.
    1. Right-click the Submit action and select Activity.
    2. Select a relevant activity from the Activity Type drop-down list, e.g. validation. For detailed information on Activities, refer Activities and Creating Activities.


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  1. In the Source Type field, enter an appropriate activity source type, e.g. direct.
    1. In the Source field, enter an appropriate activity source, e.g. initValidation.
    2. In the Validation Status field, enter a relevant value, e.g. direct. On entering the value, the following Validation Status field gets automatically updated with the entered value.
    3. To save the activity, click Save Activity.


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  1. Right-click the validation activity and select Rule.


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  2. Click the Rule Type drop-down list and select rule.

    1. Click the Condition Type drop-down list and select equals.


  1. The evaluators appear as Condition Types in the workflow. To create an evaluator, refer Creating Evaluators.


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  2. Enter a relevant field name in the Field Name text field, e.g. $response.ValidationStatus.

    1. Enter a relevant field value in the Field Value text field, e.g. success.
    2. Click Save to save the rule.


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  1. Right-click the rule and then select Success with Activity.


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    The Connection Type gets selected automatically, depending on the selected option, e.g. Success.

  2. In the Response tab, type the relevant key in the Key field, e.g. status.
    1. Type a relevant value in the Value field, e.g. pre confirmation Validation Status.
    2. Click Save Connector to save the changes.


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  1. Click the Activity Type drop-down list and select a relevant activity, e.g. createAuthFlow.

    1. To save the activity, click Save Activity.


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  1. Right-click the rule and select Failure with End.


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    The Connection Type gets selected automatically, depending on the selected option, e.g. Failure.

  2. Click Save Connector to save the Failure Connection Type.



  1. It is not mandatory to enter Key and Value for the Failure Connection type. You can leave the Key and Value fields as blank.


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  2. Right-click the createAuthFlow activity and select Activity.
    1. Select a relevant activity from the Activity Type drop-down list, e.g. movetoState.
    2. Enter the relevant state in the State field, e.g. INIT.
    3. To save the activity, click Save Activity.


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  1. To conclude the workflow, right-click the movetoState activity and click End.


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  2. Click Image Removed Image Addedicon to configure the settings of the workflow.


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  2. Type the words of your choice in the Description.
    1. In the 
    Bundle field
    1. Bundle field, type the name of the bundle key associated with the property file.
    2. Click Start
    State drop
    1. State drop-down list to select the initial state of INIT.
    2. Click PreInit
    Action to
    1. Action to select the pre-initialized action of Submit. It is not mandatory for the users to select the PreInit Action.
    2. Once the proceedings are completed, click Save.


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  1. Click Image Removed Image Addedicon to save the workflow.


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    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save appears.

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  2. Click Ok.