Creating Activities

To create an activity, perform the following steps in Canvas Studio:

  1. On the home page of Canvas Studio, click Request Category.

    The Request Category page appears.

  2. Click the Activities tab.

    The list of activities appears, with their respective IDs, Names and Categories.

  3. Click Activity option to create a new activity.

    The Activity page appears.

  4. Type the relevant names in the relevant fields of Activity ID, Activity Name and Activity Type.

  5. Click Activity Category drop-down list to select a category for the activity.

  6. Type the relevant class name in Activity Class field.

  7. Under the segment of Parameters, enter unique names in the fields of Name and Label.

  8. Click the Type drop-down list to choose the data type.

    On selecting the data type, the Form Item Type gets selected automatically. The Form Item Type cannot be manually selected.

  9. Enter the relevant JSON path in the field of JSON Path.

  10. To add more parameters to the activity, click icon.

  11. Click Save to save the newly created activity.

    A confirmation message, indicating a successful save, appears.

  12. Click Ok.