The following table gives the prerequisite information that has to be complied before switching from HTTP to HTTPS for WebLogic:
S.No | Dependency | Comments | |
1 | JAVA | This has to be installed previously. | |
2 | WebLogic Server (12C) | This has to be installed previously. | |
3 | Setting up the provided environment variables for java |
Perform the following steps in order to switch from HTTP to HTTPS for WebLogic:
Step - 1 Creating a keystore file
1. Open the command prompt and enter the following command:
Code Block |
keytool -genkey -v -alias weblogic -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg MD5withRSA -dname "CN=weblogic" -keypass canvas -validity 365 -keystore canvasidentity.jks -storepass |
canvas |
2. Enter the keystore and key password details for generating the keystore file. Here, the keystore is saved as canvascertificate.cert, credential name as weblogic and the password as canvas.
Step – 2: Configuration in WebLogic Admin Console
Perform the following steps in order to make configurations in WebLogic Admin Console:
- Open the admin console in a web browser using the URL: http://<webLogic-server-ipaddress>:<webLogic-admin-port>/console/. For example:
- Login with the <webLogic-admin-userid> and <webLogic-admin-password>.
- In WebLogic Adminstration Console, go to mydomain > Environment > Servers.
- Select the server in which you need to enable HTTPS.
- Click the Configuration tab.
- In In General tab, enter the port number for HTTPS in Listen Port and SSL Listen Port fields and save the changes.
- Click Keystores tab.
- Click Change in keystore field.
- Now, click the Keystores drop-down list and select Custom Identity And Java Standard Trust Option. Click Save.
- Now, click the Keystores drop-down list and select Custom Identity And Java Standard Trust Option. Click Save.
- Enter the keystore path in Custom Identity Keystore field.
- Enter jks in Custom Identity Keystore Type field.
- Enter the keystore password in Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase fields.
- Enter changeit as the password in Java Standard Trust Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Java Standard Trust Keystore Passphrase fields.
- Select the SSL tab.
- Enter the keystore name in Private Key Alias field.
- Enter the keystore password in Private Key Passphrase and Confirm Private Key Passphrase fields.
- Click Advanced. For Hostname Verification, select None from the drop-down list.
- Go to Domain Structure > base domain.
- Enable the Enable Administration Port check box and save the changes.
Step – 3: Accessing the Application
Now, Restart the server and access the server in https console. You will see the WebLogic local home page with https enabled.