Switching from HTTP to HTTPS (WebLogic)

Switching from HTTP to HTTPS (WebLogic)

The following table gives the prerequisite information that has to be complied before switching from HTTP to HTTPS for WebLogic:






This has to be installed previously.


WebLogic Server (12C)

This has to be installed previously.


Setting up the provided environment variables for java

Perform the following steps in order to switch from HTTP to HTTPS for WebLogic: 
Step - 1 Creating a keystore file 
1. Open the command prompt and enter the following command:

keytool -genkey -v -alias weblogic -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg MD5withRSA -dname 
"CN=weblogic" -keypass canvas -validity 365 -keystore canvasidentity.jks -storepass canvas 

2. Enter the keystore and key password details for generating the keystore file. Here, the keystore is saved as canvascertificate.cert, credential name as weblogic and the password as canvas.

Step – 2: Configuration in WebLogic Admin Console
Perform the following steps in order to make configurations in WebLogic Admin Console:

  1. Open the admin console in a web browser using the URL: http://<webLogic-server-ipaddress>:<webLogic-admin-port>/console/. For example:
  2. Login with the <webLogic-admin-userid> and <webLogic-admin-password>.

  3. IWebLogic Adminstration Console, go to mydomain > Environment > Servers.
  4. Select the server in which you need to enable HTTPS.
  5. Click the Configuration tab.
  6. In General tab, enter the port number for HTTPS in Listen Port and SSL Listen Port fields and save the changes.
  7. Click Keystores tab.
  8. Click Change in keystore field.
    1. Now, click the Keystores drop-down list and select Custom Identity And Java Standard Trust Option. Click Save.

    2. Enter the keystore path in Custom Identity Keystore field.
    3. Enter jks in Custom Identity Keystore Type field.
    4. Enter the keystore password in Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase fields.
    5. Enter changeit as the password in Java Standard Trust Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Java Standard Trust Keystore Passphrase fields.
  9. Select the SSL tab.
    1. Enter the keystore name in Private Key Alias field.
    2. Enter the keystore password in Private Key Passphrase and Confirm Private Key Passphrase fields.
    3. Click Advanced. For Hostname Verification, select None from the drop-down list.

  10. Go to Domain Structure > base domain.
  11. Enable the Enable Administration Port check box and save the changes.

Step – 3: Accessing the Application

Now, Restart the server and access the server in https console. You will see the WebLogic local home page with https enabled.