Let's assume that a client maker user needs to create a corporate customer or client in Sigma Studio. Perform the following steps to create a corporate customer as a client maker user in Sigma Studio:
On the home page of Sigma Studio, click Manage > Customer.
Apart from corporate customers, the client maker user can create application users, solution packages, client package mapping, client criteria value mapping and user contacts. It is essential that the creation requests of the client maker user needs to be approved by the client checker user. The client maker user can view or edit the created report or any other listed Studio component only after getting an approval from the client checker user.
The Customer Creation page appears.Provide the necessary corporate customer details for the report and then proceed to click the Save icon
to save the corporate customer.For detailed information on creating corporate customers, refer Creating Corporate Customers.
A confirmation message, indicating the successful submission of the request, appears.- Click Ok.
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