Canvas Launch Services is an API implemented as part of the zero code initiative. The tasks that a running application can achieve using this API are:
- Launch another workspace
- Launch a workspace and layout
- Launch a workspace, layout, and then a widget
- Launch a widget in modal window
- Launch a form with container in Modal window
- Launch a form without container in Modal window
- Launch a form with form object and container in Modal window
- Launch a form with form object and without container in Modal window
- Launch a form in an app with container
- Launch a custom HTML Content in Modal Window
- Launch pre-defined dialog messages in Modal window
This is a core API which can be invoked in any event. The usage of canvas.launch() API has been explained with the following task as an example:
Launch (open) another workspace
Let us assume a scenario where a user wants to transfer funds to a beneficiary by accessing the DOMESTIC FUND TRANSFER form in the PAYMENTS workspace on CT ModelHouse application. The user specifies the details and submits the form.
After submitting the transaction, the user may now want to view the account summary in the ACCOUNT SERVICES workspace. In this case, when the user clicks the Submit button and after successful transaction, the ACCOUNT SERVICES workspace must be launched.
In order to launch the ACCOUNT SERVICES workspace, the canvas.launch API has been used in the form’s listener JS file. The sample code is as follows:
CFLR.registerListener("CT_PAYMENT_FORM", canvas.form.listeners.paymentForm); CABR.registerHandler('PAY_SUMBIT', 'PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER', function(config) { var fm = config.formObj; var refNo = fm.additionalConfig['reference_no'] || ''; if (canvas.isEmpty(fm.model.getValue('ACC_NO'))) { fm.markInvalid("ACC_NO"); return; } else if (canvas.isEmpty(fm.model.getValue('BENE_ACC_NO'))) { fm.markInvalid("BENE_ACC_NO"); return; } else if (canvas.isEmpty(fm.model.getValue('TRANSACTION_AMT'))) { fm.markInvalid("TRANSACTION_AMT"); return; } else if (canvas.isEmpty(fm.model.getValue('TRAN_DATE'))) { fm.markInvalid("TRAN_DATE"); return; } var ajaxParams = { "INPUT_ACTION": "SUBMIT", "INPUT_FUNCTION_CODE": "VSBLTY", "INPUT_PRODUCT": "CUSER", "INPUT_SUB_PRODUCT": "CUSER", "PAGE_CODE_TYPE": "TXN_CODE", "PRODUCT_NAME": "CUSER", "REFERENCE_NO": refNo }; canvas.apply(ajaxParams, fm.getModelData()); canvas.ajax({ params: ajaxParams, success: function(response) { var referenceNo = response.REFERENCE_NO; var text = response.STATUS == "SUCCESS" ? CRB.getBundleValue("common", "LBL_TRAN_SUCCESS") : CRB.getBundleValue("common", "LBL_TRAN_FAILURE"); text = String.format(text, referenceNo); var successDialog = new canvas.Dialog({ dialogType: "MESSAGE", title: "Confirmation Window", message: text, okHandler: function() { successDialog.close(); if (window.transactionComplete) { window.dispatchEvent(window.transactionComplete); return true; } else { CBXFORMCONTAINER.exit(config); if (fm.additionalConfig['widgetObj']) { widget = fm.additionalConfig['widgetObj']; widget.refreshWidgetData(); } } canvas.launch({ workspaceId : "ACC_SERV_WSPACE" }); } });; } }); });
Following are the syntax for the task that you want to achieve:
- Launch another workspace
canvas.launch({ workspaceId: '<WORKSPACE_ID>', callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
- Launch a workspace and layout
canvas.launch({ workspaceId: '<WORKSPACE_ID>', layoutId: '<LAYOUT_ID>', callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'workspaceId' : 'CHART_WS', 'layoutId':'CHART_LYT'});
Launch a workspace, layout, then a widget
canvas.launch({ workspaceId: '<WORKSPACE_ID>', layoutId: '<LAYOUT_ID>', widgetId: '<WIDGET_ID>', callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'renderType':'WINDOW', 'widgetId':'CT_LOAN_SUMMARY_WGT'});
- Launch a widget in modal window
canvas.launch({ renderType:'WINDOW', widgetId: '<WIDGET_ID>', width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'renderType':'WINDOW', 'widgetId':'CT_LOAN_SUMMARY_WGT'});
- Launch a form with container in Modal window
canvas.launch({ renderType:'WINDOW', formId: '<FORM_ID>', containerId: '<CONTAINER_ID>', width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'renderType':'WINDOW','formId':'CT_PAYMENT_FORM', 'containerId':'PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER'});
Launch a form without container in Modal window
Syntaxcanvas.launch({ renderType:'WINDOW', formId: '<FORM_ID>', width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
- Form rendered in an app with container
canvas.launch({ formId: '<FORM_ID>', containerId: '<CONTAINER_ID>', RenderType : 'APP', workspaceId: '<WORKSPACE_ID>', layoutId: '<LAYOUT_ID>', widgetId: '<WIDGET_ID>', width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'formId':'CT_PAYMENT_FORM', 'containerId':'PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER', 'renderType':'APP', 'workspaceId': 'ACC_SERV_WSPACE', 'layoutId': 'ACC_SERV_LYT', 'widgetId': 'EMPTYAPP'});
- Form renders with form object and container in Modal Window:
canvas.launch({ fm: '<fm_Obj>', containerId: '<CONTAINER_ID>', width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
var frmMgr = new ct.form.FormManager({formId: 'CT_PAYMENT_FORM'}); canvas.launch({'fm': frmMgr, 'containerId':'PAYMENTS_FORM_CONTAINER'});
Form renders with form object and without container in Modal Window:
var frmMgr = new ct.form.FormManager({formId: 'CT_PAYMENT_FORM'}); canvas.launch({'fm': frmMgr});
- Launch a custom HTML Content in Modal Window
canvas.launch({ modalContent: '<HTML_DOM>', title: '<TITLE_OF_WINDOW>', (Optional) width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({ 'modalContent': 'Hello'});
- Launch pre-defined dialog messages in the modal window
canvas.launch({ message: '<MESSAGE_OF_DIALOG>', dialogType: 'CONFIRMATION' | 'MESSAGE' | 'WARN_EDIT_OK' | 'SUCCESS' | 'ERROR' | 'WARNING' width: '<WIDTH_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) height: '<HEIGHT_IN_%_OR_PXL>', (Optional) fullScreenInd: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) closeOnEsc: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) modalDialog: <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) draggable : <TRUE | FALSE>, (Optional) callback: <function(){}> (Optional) });
canvas.launch({'message': 'The mandatory fields are not filled-in' , 'dialogType' : 'ERROR'});