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How to connect to Oracle database through command prompt?
- At command prompt, type sqlplus and press ENTER.
- Enter the DBA User ID and press ENTER.
- Enter the DBA User Password and press ENTER.
If the credentials are correct the connection to Oracle database will be successful.
How to find out the Oracle System ID (SID)?
After successfully connecting to the Oracle database at the command prompt as suggested in previous question, enter the following command:
show parameter service_name
- In the result, the VALUE column displays the Oracle SID.
What to update in the ‘config.txt’ file for deploying Canvas?
The ‘config.txt’ file contains the configuration details to connect to the database and execute the schema scripts of Canvas Technology framework. It is essential that you provide the correct DBA user ID and password in the ‘config.txt’ file to connect to the Oracle database. The Canvas schema scripts are executed on the connected database.
Why is the Canvas schema script running thrice when executing the ‘run.bat’ file?
It is because, by default the ‘run.bat’ file executes the schema scripts of CT ModelHouse, Expert Studio, and Wizard Studio. However, you can specify which scripts to be executed in the APP_LIST parameter in the 'config.txt' file by removing the unwanted schemas:
APP_LIST=ctmodelhouse, ctstudio/Expert, ctstudio/Wizard
# Here, ctmodelhouse is the schema for the sample application, ModelHouse, that is packaged with Canvas Framework.
# ctstudio/Expert is the schema for Canvas Expert Studio (Canvas Studio).
# ctstudio/Wizard is the schema for Canvas Wizard Studio.
How to connect to the schemas of CT ModelHouse, Expert Studio, and Wizard Studio in SQL Developer?
- Open Oracle SQL Developer.
- In the Connections tab on the left-hand side, right-click Connections and select New Connection.
- In the New / Select Database Connection dialog box, enter the Connection Name. For example, to connect to Model schema, enter MODEL. (This value must be similar to the name of schema given in the ‘config.txt’ file)
- Enter the schema username and password in the Username and Password fields respectively. For example, for Model schema, enter MODEL / MODEL (These values must be similar to the values given in the ‘config.txt’ file)
- Ensure the correct Hostname, Port, and SID are given in the respective fields.
- Click Test. If the credentials are correct the connection to the schema will be successful.
- Click Connect.
- After schema connection is established, check if you are able to view the schemas contents.
How to set environment variables for Java or Ant in the system?
How to start/stop Tomcat server manually without using Eclipse?
- To start the Tomcat server, double-click the startup.bat file in the Tomcat folder (e.g. ‘D:\Canvas\apache-tomcat-7.0.67\bin’).
- To stop the Tomcat server, press CTRL + C in the command prompt.